Cute Story 1. On Thursday night Alyssa was very fussy and I could not do anything to make her happy. Finally I deciided that I needed something to eat, so I packed her up in the car with Vinnie. As we started to back out of the driveway, Alyssa started to fuss. Vinnie put his head on her legs, she stopped crying and we had a peaceful drive to get food.
Story 2. Later Thursday night after she had a little nap she was sitting with Daddy and he was playing music on his computer. Chris and I were both singing along to the song, and Alyssa starts "singing" with us. It was so cute to listen to her coo with us.
Story 3. This morning I told Chris to come wake me up at 8. So how does he wake me up? He comes and puts Alyssa in my arms and says "Wake up mommy". We then spent the next 50 minutes in bed as a family, (Vinnie included) talking and smiling at each other it was great! I wish we could do that more often.
Last night Alyssa slept in her crib for the first time. She slept from 8-2:30 woke up to eat, was awake until 3:30. She then slept until 6:30 when it was time to eat again.
Alyssa is drooling like crazy, I'm not sure why people tell me it could be teeth, but I refuse to believe that cause my baby should not be getting teeth yet. She is also sitting up in her chair and so close to rolling over it isn't funny. She is growing up way to fast! If the next 11 weeks go as fast as the first, she will be 21 before I know it!