*climbing up on my soap box, standing taller, clearing throat waiting for the audience to go silent*
E-mail. It is such a funny thing. For some it is the only way they talk to certain people. For some it is just a place for conformation to go when you buy something, and for others it is a social place to talk to others and get and share info.
My mom sent out an e-mail that stirred up a lot of drama. I think it is funny, because I read it and didn't really give it a second thought, it was one of many forwards I get in a week. Each person has their own reason for sending the ones that they do.
*stepping down off soap box and going back to rocking her daughter to sleep*
But the main point is who has the right to tell you what to send and what not to send? I mean if I want to send something that is my personal choice and right. Freedom of speech right? I can't go to the post office and tell them I don't like Shop and Save, so stop sending me those ads. I can't tell the credit cards that their ads offend me and to stop sending them. I can put my phone number on the do not call list, however every year I still get calls for Mayor or Fire Chief.
So the question out there to all of my 3 readers. Can you really tell people what they are allowed to send you?