Dear Alyssa,
You are now 16 months old. I can not believe time has gone so quickly. You are an amazing little girl. There are so many people that love you and you just glow in their love.
Your list of things you can do is amazing long. You have started to run, sleep through the night(YEAH!!!!), climb into your high chair, shake your head yes or no for things. You can say many words and have started to put two words together like "bad dog", "mommy", "daddy", "puppy", "baby", "no no" and I'm sure many more. You know the sounds a dog, lion and monkey say. You also blow kisses.
You are great at giving Vinnie hugs and kisses, along with all your toys and stuffed animals but if daddy or I ask for a hug or kiss you shake your head no and run away. If you do give us a kiss we brag about it all day.
You love to dance to any music and if there isn't music you will dance to the music in your head. You also love to sing and if we are singing to a song you must sing louder.
You have been pretty healthy since we started seeing a specialist for your asthma. You have to do your breathing machine 2-4 times a day but you sit so nicely for it.
You also have a new brother or sister on the way and though you don't understand I love it when you lay your head on my belly.
Little girl I can't wait to see what the summer holds and how much fun we can have. I can only imagine that this will be the best summer yet.