From the time I was in high school I knew I wanted to stay home when I had kids. I always assumed that I would watch a few kids in my home so that I could stay home and raise my own.
When Chris and I got married I told him I would work until we had kids and then I wanted to stay home. Well when Alyssa came we knew there was no way I could stay home we just bought a house and things were crazy. I told the babysitter that Alyssa had at the time by the time we had the second child I would be able to stay home.
Well here I am 5 months pregnant with my second child, unemployed and have had both the old babysitter and new babysitter offer me kids to watch so that I could stay home. At first I wasn't sure. (There is still part of me that is really scared about this).
But this is what I have said I wanted to do since I was in high school. I haven't been happy in the last few jobs I have had and I have loved spending the summer at home with Alyssa.
I know it will be hard and I know it isn't the same quality time at home with the kids I would get if I wasn't looking after other people's kids but at least I can see my kids grow up and their big milestones. There is less vacation, yet you are in your own house and have your kids.
I might need a few more nights out child free because of this adventure but how different can it be than raising someone else's kids for 9 hours a day then come home and raise my own?
Now I'm raising my 24/7 and someone else's 10.
I'm scared and nervous but I think it is just because it is something new and something I never thought I would be able to do.
Now I have to figure out how to re-arrange the house so that it is truly child safe and start finding kids. As of right now I have the potential for 4 with a 5th coming in Feb not counting my own two. If I could get it up to 7 or 9 I could hire someone to help me and then I could have small breaks with my own.
Maybe 5 with a few before/after school kids since the bus stop is my neighbors house.
If you are the praying type say a prayer for me. I hope this is what makes my heart and family happy because we all deserve to be happy after the last 3 years I have had!