I went back through my blog post the last one I did was 32 weeks. So here are my 37 week pictures.
Sleep: I was sleeping okay as long as the baby wasn't moving too much or having contractions
Best moment this week: Going to the doctor and hearing the heartbeat again. That never gets old.
Movement: I feel the baby every night now he is getting stronger by the day. He likes to stretch with his head in my left hip and his feet in my right ribs. He also liked to push as hard as he could out of the right side of my body.
Gender: Boy! Colin James for a name
Labor Signs: Yes starting at 36 weeks 5 days I had constant contractions for 3 days. They then stopped for a day and then my water broke at 37 weeks 3 days.
Belly Button in or out? Still in, but getting more shallow.
What I miss: Being able to bend over and not think about how I'm going to breathe. My lap is also shrinking so it is getting harder to hold Alyssa for long periods in my lap.
Weekly Wisdom: Slow down and take it easy.
By 4 weeks post baby I am down 24 lbs. (So I have 6 left to lose) though my clothes do not fit the same. I still have a small flabby belly. I can put on my size 8 pants and even button them but don't ask me to sit down in them and it gives me really bad muffin top.