I knew what RSV was it was a bad cold that babies can get that put them in the hospital. I knew that RSV could be very dangerous but I also knew that it could just act like a cold and nothing more would come of it.
So when one of the babies at the day care was diagnosed with RSV I said a quick little prayer that no one else got it and moved on. A week later I got sick.
Last Saturday ( the 16th) I felt horrible and went to the walk in clinic at Wal greens. I thought I had bronchitics. Well while at the walk in clinic my heart rate was in the 130's. Even though my blood pressure was good, the insisted I go straight to the hospital. So I went and after an EKG, chest X-rays, breathing treatment and steriods they told me what I had already thought and sent me home with medicine for bronchitics.
Also on Saturday Alyssa and Colin started coughing. I started Alyssa on her breathing treatments and just watched Colin. By Saturday night I was calling the after hours line on Colin because he seemed to be having a harder time breathing. They told me to give him breathing treatments as well.
On Sunday I gave both kids treatments all day.
On Monday I took both kids to the doctors. He told me Alyssa sounded clear but Colin was wheezing a lot and we tried another breathing treatment in the doctors office. He said it helped and told me to do them every 3 hours around the clock and sent us home. Colin got worse.
I called and made another appointment for him on Tuesday. The doctor said he was worse, tried another treatment in the office and sent us home. I cried on the way home because I watch the nurse hook Colin up to a pulse/oxygen machine and it said that it was at 87%.
I came home and cried, I also started doing research. Finally about 2 that day(Tuesday the 19th) I couldn't take it anymore and called Chris and told him I was taking Colin to the ER at Children's Hospital.
We got to the hospital about 3. By 4 we were in a room and being seen by doctors by a little after 5 we had a chest x-ray and by 5:45 the decided he needed to stay over night and be observed for pneumonia and RSV. By the time we got to our room he was on an IV and meds were started.
We thought we were going to get to go home on Wednesday. Wednesday morning they came around for rounds and said that his breathing was still way to fast (over 60 breaths per minute) and that we would be staying another night.
Thursday they said his breathing was a little better but he wasn't eating so we were staying another night and a feeding tube would be place.
On Friday his lungs were a little better his breathing had slowed to the 50's but he still wasn't eating. Friday morning he threw up his morning feeding from the feeding tube and pulled the tube out. So they let us go all day without it.
Saturday morning they came by and said that since he had lost a half of pound that we had to stay another night. However his breathing was much better (in the 40's). By lunch time Colin had been eating and having enough wet diapers that the doctor decided that we could go home at 4 if he continued. He was able to keep his feedings up and we were able to come home on Saturday evening.
I will write a more detailed account of the days but for now I just wanted to write it all out.