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Feb. 6, 2009 |
Dear Alyssa,
I can not believe how fast the last three years have gone. You are now three years old and no longer a baby. You talk up a storm and tell us your thoughts and opinions on everything. You pick your own outfits and if we pick the wrong one you will let us know. You decided daily if you want your hair up or down, and decided what games you are going to play and do through out the day.
Feb 6, 2010 |
For outfits you still don't care for pants all that much so you wear mostly dresses, and will put pants on if you know we are leaving the house. You also love shoes and probably have more pairs of shoes that mommy. You like to wear each pair at different times so they do all get worn.
Your favorite foods are fish sticks, tator tots, doughnuts, PB&J, cheese itz, and yogurt. You have developed a sweet tooth and do like chocolate and other sweet things.
You weigh about 30 lbs and I'm not sure how tall you are, you don't have your three year check until the end of the month.
After all these years you are finally sleeping better and go to bed about 7:45 each night. You get up somewhere between 5 and 6am. But between 8 and 5 you are in your bed sleeping. You love your Ariel bed( you got a new bedspread for Christmas).
Feb 6, 2011 |
You are usually very happy and love to play with all your friends you have made at the daycare. You are also doing really good at learning your letters, colors, and shapes. You can count to 10 by yourself, sing your ABC's with only missing 1 letter, know all your shapes and colors. You know the letters, A, C, J, M, W, and can read all the names of kids in the daycare.
You are a brave little girl and love adventure. You are climbing on everything just so you can jump off of it. I'm waiting for your first broken bone.
You also love your barbies and barbie house. You ask every night to play Barbies with either daddy or me.
Feb 6, 2012 |
You haven't been as sick this year. It has been nice to not have to take you to the doctor every week. You do have a bad cold right now but you haven't let it slow you down.
Alyssa you are a joy to be around and I love spending my days with you. You are such an awesome blessing to our lives and I can't imagine my life without you. I am looking forward to seeing how you grow in the next year.
I love you with all my heart.
(Yes that is the same Tuto in 2010-2012)