While at dinner I was taking some pictures of the sunset and a lady came up to us and told us what a cute couple we were and asked to take our pictures for us.
It was a really nice evening and one that I think Chris and I both needed.
Before that we had Colin's last soccer game of the season. He has grown so much as a player this season. He has decided that he really likes to play defender. He has a great long kick and really good arm to throw the ball in.
Alyssa is happy that the season is over as she didn't enjoy going to his games however she is a great big sister and would go to each game and even some practices to go for a run with Chris.
This weekend we also carved our pumpkins for Halloween. Last weekend we were able to go to a friends house and came home with 27 pumpkins so we had a nice selection to pick from for carving. We even allowed Alyssa to carve her own this year. At one point I did have to walk away because she was making me nervous but she did a great job and parts that needed help Chris was able to help her with .
Colin drew the face he wanted on the pumpkin and Chris carved it for him. I found a design online that I liked and printed it out to carve since I'm not good at drawing.