Friday, June 5, 2009

One year ago today

One year ago today Chris' and my world changed. It was our first month trying and we really didn't think that anything would happen. I was told that it would take a while for me to get pregnant thanks to PCOS. In fact I had convinced Chris that we should start a month earlier than what we had originally planned because then we would try for 3 months, then I could go back to the doctor and he would give me medicine to help us.
I had been on vacation the week before with my college roommates. While we were out shopping I picked up bibs to tell family when we were finally pregnant. I got back from that trip on Monday the 2ND. Starting that night I asked Chris if I could take a pregnancy test. I had no reason to take one except that we had bought a bunch from the dollar store. He kept telling me no and that I needed to wait until Saturday (the day my period was due).
On Thursday at work my abs hurt like no other. I felt like I had done 100 crunches when in reality I hadn't done any. That day after school I was talking with a teacher that was pregnant. I was looking at her cute belly and thinking that my non-pregnant belly was probably bigger than hers.
When I got home from work I decided that I wanted to take a test. I figured it would be negative I could throw it away and Chris would never know. So I took the test and went to change into my PJ's. I came back from changing and there were two lines. I couldn't believe it. "I'm PREGNANT!" I thought the second thought I had was, "OH crap how am I going to tell Chris? Should I wait until Saturday? No I can't wait!!"
So I left the test on the sink and came downstairs, I must of run back upstairs about 50 times to check to make sure there were two lines. When Chris got home I was in the middle of making dinner. He told me he was going upstairs to change. I wanted to follow him but I was in the middle of mixing things. So I finished mixing the stuff quickly and followed up the stairs.
As I got into the bedroom I hear him in the bathroom, and then I hear "Shannon, what does two lines mean?" I went in and told him I was pregnant. Shocked was an understatement. We hugged for awhile, but I had to get back to dinner.
As we sat down to dinner he still had a pale look to him, but there was also a smile there. During dinner I got a call from a friend telling me she had gotten a call from a place I had interviewed at for a reference check.
Between the news of a new job possibly and a baby, dinner was wasted for me! I did not get any sleep that night thinking about a baby AND a new job ( I ended up not getting that job but I did get one a week later).
The next morning I got up at 4 and took 3 more tests, all of them came up positive right away.
The rest is history, and I couldn't be happier with my life!

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