I am writing this because I want to get the words out but I can't post it yet.
On April 6th I took a pregnancy test before work. It looked like it was negative so I went to throw it away, as I was throwing it away I saw just a hint of a pink line so I held on to it. When Chris came in to say good-bye I asked him if he saw a line. He said he did but it was very very very faint. So on the way to work( mind you my second day of a new job!) I stopped and bought a pack of digital tests. I decided I would take one at lunch since if it was positive I could call the doctor to get blood work and if it was negative I could wait a day or two and take the other one of the pack. So in the bathroom at lunch I take the test.
It pops up "Pregnant" I take a picture of it with my camera phone and send it to Chris.
I call the doctor and tell them I want to get in for two HGC checks. They send on the request.
So on Wednesday morning I go in and get blood work done I call that night for the results and they tell me my HGC was 58 and my progesterone was at 17( they wanted it to be over 10).
On Friday I go for more blood work. I tried to call Friday night for results but of course they turned their phones off 15 minutes before closing and so I couldn't get through. It was a hard weekend wondering and waiting.
On Monday I called twice and they finally told me that it went up to 156. That means it more than doubled. They wanted me to come in at 6 weeks for an ultrasound but I asked to wait until I was more like 7 and a half since that is when I miscarried last time. They said that was fine.
On Monday May 3rd I went in for my first Ultrasound. The baby measured right on track( in fact a day ahead!) You can see its little legs and head. They were able to let us listen to the hear beat and it was beating at 158 beats per minute. The doctor said I have less than a 1% chance of a miscarriage now!

It is now May 13th I am 9 weeks today and I have already had to start wearing maternity clothes. I am 20 lbs lighter to start the pregnancy but my belly has grown three times as fast. right now I look like what I looked at about 15 weeks with Alyssa.
My next doctor's appointment is June 4th. I will be 12 weeks and can't wait!
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