Colin is 6 weeks old today. I can't believe it has been that long already! In some ways it seems like he was just born and in other ways it seems like he has been a part of our family forever.
If I had a job outside the home I would be going back to work today. Instead I have already been back at work 5 and a half weeks but I don't have to leave my son. It is good to spend all day with him, but I don't get to just sit and stare at him with all the other kids running around and needing attention.
My body is bouncing back after this time than it did with Alyssa. I guess it popped out faster so it is going back faster. As of this morning I am 5 lbs away from being at what I was at the day I found out I was pregnant. I still have a little tummy but hopefully by the end of March I can have that gone. By June I would like to be down 13 more lbs and by September I would like to be 18lbs less than I am right now. I am setting my goals for a long time away because I don't want to be disappointed and give up. Also that gives me time to get in shape and if it happens sooner I will take it. I know that my weight loss as slowed down as of right now.
Someone today asked me who I thought Colin looked like. I wasn't sure so I pulled out pictures of Alyssa at his age. They look a lot a like. There are differences but there is more that is the same and so if he follows in his sisters footsteps he will be just as cute little toddler.

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