You are 8 months old today! I can't believe how fast you have grown! It seems like just two weeks ago I was ready for you to be born. You weigh about 22 lbs and I'm not sure how long you are but you are definitively getting longer.
Just this past week you have learned to crawl. It took you about a week to learn but in the last two days you are all over. You crawl all over the floor. Today you learned how to open the cabinets on the built ins and get toys out. You thought you had died and gone to heaven! When I took you away from getting all the toys out you cried and cried.
You also know how to put yourself into a sitting position and now find a toy you want to play with and sit up.(This is something you just learned yesterday). So this weekend we will be lowering your crib so that when you learn to pull yourself up you don't fall over the side of the crib.
You sleep through the night most nights. That means you go to bed at about 7:45 and sleep until sometime between 6 and 7 the next morning. Every now and then you will wake up once for a small bottle and then go back to sleep. Mommy is loving that you are sleeping through the night and it makes her a much happier mommy in the mornings. You take one nap a day that lasts between 2 and 3 hours and then two half hour naps a day.
You love to eat. You eat all baby food now and we usually mix it with a little rice cereal to give it more texture. We are also letting you try other foods, you have had crackers, (you love animal crackers), french fries, toast, mac and cheese, and tonight you tried a cucumber. I'm still waiting for a tooth or two to come in to help you chew because you still choke frequently on the bigger pieces you break off.
You are a very happy little boy and loves your sister more than anything. In the morning when you wake up she runs into your room, stands on a little step stool beside the bed and talks to you. Every time she does it, it brings a smile to my face. You also love watching her play and if she starts to laugh so will you. Listening to the two of you talk and smile at each other melts my heart.
You are also a talker and love to make all kinds of noises and sounds. Your favorite time to talk is during nap time at the day care. If you are still awake when the big kids go down you get so noisy that I usually have to take you up stairs.
You still have some breathing issues. Most mornings you wake up coughing and your nose gets stuffy often, but it doesn't seem to bother you too much. Some days you are more crabby and it seems to frustrate you, but most of the time no one would know that you still can't breath normally.
Colin we are so lucky to be your parents. I love you little boy and I can't wait to see you continue to grow and check out the world around you!!