This morning Alyssa got up and came into the bathroom where I was getting ready. She told me she had to go potty. So I told her to go. She left the bathroom and went to the other bathroom and came back totally naked and told me she peed on the floor.

So I went and cleaned up the pee. After that was all over she was already dressed and her PJ's were missing. I asked her were she put them and she had thrown them in the washer. So I checked to make sure her diaper wasn't in there( it wasn't) and moved on with my morning.
I just found her diaper in the trash can in her room ( there was still no bag in the trash can so the lid was off). It was totally clean. I told Chris and he said that her diaper yesterday morning was almost completely dry as well.
Maybe we are moving towards no diapers at night! She doesn't wear one at nap anymore and 9 times out of ten she does not have an accident, so maybe now we can start working on nights!
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