You are 9 months old today. You weigh 24 lbs and 4 ounces according to the doctor's scale today. We will find out how long you are on Friday at your well visit. You wear size 12 month clothes but really need to move up to size 18 months as all your pants are tight on you. You wear size four diapers.
You will eat your baby food but would much prefer table food. We still don't give you everything because you have yet to get a tooth. At the doctor today he said that we probably won't see one in the next week or two either. So for now you get crackers, pasta noodles and french fries.
You crawl with sped and determination. You can also pull yourself up on everything and have started to try to climb on things so that you can reach other things. Mommy doesn't like you climbing and you have a bruise on your forehead to prove your adventures.

You have started to not let anyone hold you other than mommy or daddy. Even people that you used to like you don't let hold you lately. Hopefully that is a faze you get over quickly.
You still sleep through the night unless you are sick and then you are up more frequently.
You are a smart baby and will fold your hands and clap for prayer. We are still working on bye bye but you enjoy sitting and watching people and have enjoyed outings to the Magic House and Grant's Farm the last few weeks were you can watch the people and your sister.
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