Alyssa and Colin are becoming best friends and I love it! Colin has always thought the world of Alyssa, and through Alyssa has always been fond of her brother she is more in love with him now that he can move around and play.
If Colin is crying Alyssa will run over and give him a kiss. She takes his bottle to him every night before bed and has to tell him good night. In the morning when she hears him wake up she runs to his room to talk and play with him.
Now Colin has been able to start doing some of the things she does and she loves it. She is encouraging him to walk and she loves when he plays at the park with her.
I could go on and on but I will just leave you with some pictures that I think shows the love.
Now you know how I feel when you and Michael are together. I pray you know the joy of listening to your adult children laugh and talk together when you are in another room. It makes me so happy to know you and Michael are such good friends and I want you to know that with Alyssa and Colin.