At 6:15 my alarm went off. Alyssa had woken me up about 5 minutes before. We got up came downstairs to see that Colin and Chris were already awake. So then went up to get showers.
We were actually able to walk out of the house on time for pictures and arrived at the picture place 10 minutes early.
Colin and Alyssa enjoyed playing at the lego table while waiting for pictures. As soon as we walked into the room to get pictures taken Colin started crying/screaming , crawling away. So we snapped a few quick family pictures by placing the pacifier in his mouth, then ripping it out really quick and snapping the picture.
We then tried to get pictures of the two kids together. Lets just say all the pictures looked like Santa forgot to come to our house on Christmas morning. Colin is screaming and Alyssa looks sad. We got that picture put on a mug.
We then took him back got an outfit change and tried to do some one year shots. The lady only took 3 pictures and ALL of them were horrible. Last time we went to this place I spent almost $200 on pictures. Today I spent $10.
We then went to Sam's Club to pick up an order I placed. Well when I walked in I still hadn't gotten an e-mail that the order was ready yet. So we started to walk the store slowly. About 10 minutes later the e-mail came through and we got the order and left.
We then decide we want to pick up lunch. We stop at the place we want to go to to realize we are 10 minutes too early for them to open so we once again wait 10 minutes. We take the food to go and head for home.
As we are driving home we see a speed trap ahead of us, but not in time. We get pulled over. The cop comes to my window (I was the passenger). He looks in I said something about a fussy toddler. He asks if we had just made a trip to Sam's as our truck was full of food. I said yes. He asked if Chris or I had any convection's in the last year we both said no. (I had forgotten about my ticket last May). He was nice and came back and said he knew that raising a family was expensive and that we needed to slow down. We thanked him and left.
We then are almost home, just one more set of train tracks, but wait there's a train. At this point Chris and I look at each other and wonder what else could go wrong. (Wrong thing to say/think). So the train passes we get home.
We go to open the garage. It won't open with the garage door open, so I get out and try the keypad, still won't open. So we open the front door and find that our power is out!
We get in bring all the stuff in, feed the kids and ourselves. The whole time I was happy we stopped for food and didn't do our original plan of cooking a pizza when we got home (since we have an electric oven).
After that morning we decide it is time for naps. So everyone lays down and Chris goes to change his oil. By the time the kids and I wake up the power is back on and we head out to the library for story time.
Get home and get a call from my dad that they have stopped giving my Grandma food and water. This means that the end is even closer than we thought.
The kids and Chris are now asleep, I'm enjoy a quiet house for a few more minutes and then I'm going to bed and hoping that tomorrow will be a much better day!
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