Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas Eve

On Christmas Eve we got up and spent the first two hours of the day laying on the floor playing with the kids. Both of the kids were in a great mood. We danced, we played with toys and blankets, it was a great way to start the morning.
After naps we headed out to Chris's sister and brother in laws house to celebrate Christmas with all the cousins, aunts, uncles and extended family. Once again both kids were in a great mood and had a blast playing with the other kids. (Well Colin hung out with Chris or I but enjoyed just hanging out).   We got so many compliments on the kids outfits and how well behaved they both were.
At about 7:15 (so close to the kids bedtime) they decided it is time to open presents. They also decided to go oldest to youngest.  This meant that my two kids were last. While the other kids took their turns slowly Alyssa fingered each present and kept asking if it was her turn. I was afraid she was going to get bored and just start ripping open her presents but she was really good and waited.
Both the kids loved their presents and did great all night. Before we left we put both kids in their matching snowman PJ's and left.

It was the best Christmas Eve I can remember. I enjoyed my children and husband more than I can say and wish we had more down time in our lives that we could just sit for two hours and enjoy the good mood of the kids.

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