The kids had a blast for Easter.

Colin woke everyone up at a few minutes after 6. This is a new one because usually Alyssa is the first one up. So we got the kids up and came downstairs. We discovered the Easter Bunny had come over night. We let Alyssa look through her basket first, then Colin. Then we told Alyssa all her eggs were hidden in the TV room and she went to town looking for them. Every time she found one she said "Here's one!". Then we let Colin look for his in the front room. He wasn't so sure about it at first but got the hang of it pretty quickly and was going to town picking up and shaking all the eggs.
After all the eggs were found we let them open them up to discover chocolate in Alyssa's and animal crackers in Colin's.

We then had some breakfast watch a movie and then got ready for church. The kids looked adorable for church and Chris looked amazing. I had bought a new Easter dress but when I put it on yesterday I just didn't like the way it fit so I went through my closet and found one that I wore about 8 years ago for my mom's wedding and put that on. I liked that one a lot better.
We then went outside and got some pictures then off to church we went. After church we came home and ate lunch and took a nap.

We then went to Grandma and Grandpa's house for more egg hunting and dinner. The kids had a blast. They came home super tired but with big smiles on their faces which makes for the best days!
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