On Friday we left at noon to head to the Lake of the Ozarks. For two days Alyssa had been talking about swimming and going on the boat. She kept asking why we were going down there and we told her because we wanted to.

We got down there about 4 o clock after a stop at central dairy for ice cream. Right away Alyssa was ready to go swimming. So while Chris and Grandpa got things cleaned up I got the kids into their swimsuits and sunscreened up for the water.
We got into the water and it was a little on the chilly side, but both kids were thrilled to be in the water. We swam for about 45 minutes then got out and headed to dinner at a new restaurant close by. The restaurant had just opened and was running on the slow side. The kids for being tired and hungry did FANTASTIC. They sat and listened to the live music never once complaining. When the food came they ate it and then enjoyed more music.

On Saturday morning we all got up and ate breakfast out on the porch. We then got the boat out. The boat started right up and we were excited to take it for a ride. However soon after the ride started the boat started to smoke and then smoke more and then we had to turn the boat off and be turned off and we had to be towed back to the dock.
Chris and Grandpa looked at it and decided that the coolant was low and so they added some more and hoped that it wouldn't overheat again. Later on Saturday Chris got the wave runner out and took it for a nice long ride. When he got back he asked if I wanted to go and I passed since the lake was getting really busy.

On Sunday morning we got the wave runner out again and I was going to take Alyssa for a ride. Well we got her on it and it died. We decided it needed more gas. So after a gas run we tried again and I was able to take Alyssa for a ride around the cove. For the whole ride she kept looking up at me with the biggest smile on her face.
Then Colin wanted a turn. So we took a small spin between our dock and the neighbors dock.He loved it and was saying "Ohh and wee" the whole time.
Later in the day Chris went to take Alyssa out and it died again. We added more gas and thought all was good. He took her for another ride around the cove.

During nap on Sunday Chris and I decided to take the wave runner out together. We went down the lake a little ways and the wave runner died. It took many starts and stops to make it home, we made it but it was an adventure.
On Monday we swam one more time and put everything away. Soon after lunch was over we headed for home. During the drive home Alyssa talked about all the things we would do the next time we went.

I love being at the lake in a way it is like coming home for me. I remember spending every summer of my childhood there. Watching the joy and wonder on my kids faces as they experience the lake makes my heart swell.

They loved eating every meal outside, they loved being in the water(even if it was a little on the cold side), the boat and wave runner brought smiles to their faces. I am so glad my husband loves the lake as much as I do. He does not complain about lack of phones, internet or TV. We are going back in three weeks and I am looking forward to it immensely.
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