You are such a big boy now. You wear size 2t most of the time, though it is a little big on you. You now weigh 29 lbs and 4 ounces. You are 35 inches tall.

If you hear that someone in the house is going to leave you run to the shoe bucket to get their shoes and yours. You do not like to be left behind.
You are great at feeding yourself and eat almost everything we eat. You are even getting better with a fork and spoon.

You have actually been fairly healthy for the last few weeks. I think the combination of the singular, Zyrtec and breathing treatment steroids have helped keep your airways open and hopefully giving them time to get stronger. I hope that by giving them this time to be healthy and get stronger that when the winter hits you will be able to fight the colds off.
You love your big sister and want to do everything that she is doing. It is a lot of fun to watch the two of you play. Your favorite thing to do is play with a ball. You will point out everything that looks like or could be a ball.
Your words are coming more and more each day. You have a vocabulary of probably close to 30 words. Sometimes you just babble and expect us to respond. You are full of smiles and laughs for people you know. However if you don't know the person you are shy and won't talk or interact with them.
You also have a temper. If you do not get your way or get mad about something your lip comes out and you will start will the small tears. After the pout and before the tears you come in search of me. You want me to hold you while you cry.
Colin it has been so much fun watching you grow and your personality come out. I am excited to see you grow and hopefully become more healthy as you work your way to two.
I love you big boy!
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