They went down into his lungs and his lungs were full of a milky white fluid. So they did a bronchoscopy wash. They took samples of the fluid and of the tissue of his lungs to send for cultures. We should know the results in 48-72 hours.
Then they scoped his throat and in your vocal cords form a V shape. At the top of the V there is a bump that is supposed to help keep fluid and food out of your lungs. He doesn't have a bump so we have to figure out how to fix it. It can be as simple as adding something to thicken his water and juice to another surgery to fix it. We will have to explore more and see what works for him.
They also took the cultures out of his nose, but we won't get those results for 4-6 weeks.
So no answers yet, but we have a better idea of a few things that could be causing the pneumonia.
There is still more procedures and tests to do but at least one of the bigger ones is out of the way.
I was able to walk Colin back to the OR and hold his hands until he fell asleep. I was then in the recovery room before he woke up. Watching him in recovery was super hard. He was so out of it that he was not responding to our voices or stimuli. It was heartbreaking to watch him. Luckily it only took about 5 minutes before he woke up.
I spent most of the drive to the hospital crying and wondering if this was the right thing to do. I am glad that we have a few ideas of things to try. I'm hoping that by getting this started now it won't be as bad of a winter this year.
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