So we started the day with a Halloween party at the daycare the kids had a blast putting on their costumes and doing art project and making rice krispie treats.
Then after dinner we put the costumes back on and they kids get out to trick or treat. I sent Alyssa to run up stairs for something and she came down with more eyeshadow than I use in a week. I also let her eat candy that turned her lips black, so instead of a cute innocent princess she looked like this morning she was now an overly made up princess.
We weren't sure if Colin would do it or not since he wasn't a fan of trunk or treat. But he took off with Alyssa and Chris and was super happy when he came back. He was excited to show me all his candy.
Once they came back they helped pass out candy to the kids that were coming to the house. It was cute to watch the kids put candy into their bags.
As we tucked Alyssa in to bed tonight she told us, "Now we need to start planning the Christmas party". That is my girl always thinking ahead.