We had been talking on line for a few months and had convinced our parents that we should meet. My mom and his mom agreed we could meet at a Lutheran North football game. Chris was playing in the band.
We got there right before half-time and sat in the stands. Somehow we totally missed seeing Chris' mom before sitting down. So we watched the half time performance and I watched every saxaphone player intently trying to figure out which one was Chris. After the performance he came up and said "hi". I was so nervous and everything that I don't remember anymore of the game or what happened there. I do know we meet up with his mom.
After the game was over Chris rode with my mom and brother and I to a mall to get me a pair of shorts because it was like 90 degrees in October in St. Louis.
That night our families met for dinner and a wonderful game of mini-golf.
Wow what dorks we were then!

I love him more today than I did 9 years ago and way more than I did 15 years ago.
I don't know what the future holds for us, but I know that we can weather any storm or any paradise together.

I love you Chris and look forward to walk the road ahead hand in hand.
This is beautiful and my best for many more happy years together. I married my best friend and it makes everything so much easier to get through along the way. From starting a business to dealing with losses, we are in it together.