Today you turn 2. I can't believe how fast the last two years have gone. I have enjoyed watching you grow from a baby to a toddler.
You are talking so much now. In the car you tell us "this way" and point in whatever direction you want us to go. You have insisted that you want trees for your birthday. You know that you are two years old but like to tell people three. Just this past week you have learned my name is Shannon and your dad's name is Chris. You have taken to calling me "Shannon" during the day. You think it is funny when I respond.
Two nights ago you moved to a big boy bed. The first night we put the mattress on the floor and you slept on that. Last night we actually took your crib apart and put together the full size bed for you to sleep on. You thought it was awesome and after playing on it for about 15 minutes you went to sleep.
You love trains, trucks, cars, airplanes, or really anything with wheels that you can push around. On Saturday you are going to have a train party.
Tonight you will get to eat pancakes, sausage, and cupcakes with your sister, mom, dad, grandma and grandpa and Jenni. While there are other people that play an important role in your life I feel very blessed to have these people come to celebrate with you on your actual birthday.
You now weigh 31 pounds and are a little over 3 feet tall. On more than one occasion we have been asked if you and your sister are twins.
You have been healthy for most of the month of November and I am hoping that December will bring the same.
Colin you are a blessing to our family and we love you very much. You have so many people that have prayed for you and ask about you on a daily basis.
Happy Birthday Big Boy.