At 9:15 he woke up crying and so we gave him some more albuterol. As soon as we gave it to him his breathing got really short and shallow and he was panting and grunting.
The lady listened to Colin's breathing, calmed me down and then we started to go through Colin's history. Finally we decided that we were going to do 3 more treatments back to back and she would call back in an hour.
So Colin and I came downstairs and watched some TV and he bounced back and forth between Chris and I until the lady called back. She didn't like that he was still coughing so much so she decided that we needed to give steroids to help open his airway.
After giving him the steroids I tried to put him back to bed. Within 10 minutes of laying down in bed he was coughing again. So back downstairs we came, where he and I slept in the rocking chair. It was not a good night for either one of us. Every time he tried to rest his head too low he would start coughing. He is also very long and it is hard for both of us to curl up in the chair.
This morning I called the doctor and he wanted to give the steroids 24 hours to work, and for us to keep doing breathing treatments. So that is what we did all day.
For nap we kept him downstairs and elevated a cot so that he could sleep in a more upright position and it worked pretty well, he got a good nap in, but not long enough.
All afternoon he was very cranky and threw one fit after another.
Tonight we tried his crib at first but he woke up coughing within the first 45 minutes, so I took a cot upstairs and elevated it. I'm hoping this helps him sleep better tonight.
Tomorrow I'm going to call his doctor with an update and I'm also going to call his pulmonologist and let him know what is going on.
I am supposed to be going out of town tomorrow and I hope that Colin is well enough that I'm comfortable leaving him.
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