I have a at least 5 different blog topics running around in my head, but every time I think I'm going to sit down and write about one something else happens.
I want to talk about where we are going with Colin.
I want to talk about me getting sick and how it has changed my perspective on things.
My business, Alyssa growing up into such a brilliant young lady.
Yet right now all I have is a :( sad face.
I don't have the energy to type out any of them. This year I didn't do a book for the kids of pictures, my blog is the least of any year since I started it and yet one of the most eventful years of my life. I guess I know where maybe some of my new years resolutions should be.
For right now all I will say is I'm still alive and hoping that we have a very merry Christmas.
All about the joys of running my own business while being the best mother I can be to my children
Sunday, December 22, 2013
Friday, November 29, 2013
Dear Colin (3 year old)
Dear Colin,
You turn 3 today. I can't believe it. I have no idea where the time has gone! You are a happy boy and have brought so much joy and smiles to anyone who gets to know you.
You weigh a little over 40 lbs. And are pretty tall, I think they said about 42 inches the last time they measured you. You love to eat and can eat more than your sister and do most days. Your favorite food is corn dogs, milk shakes and rice krispies
Your favorite thing to do is play cars. You run around the house making race car noises and any time you can pick a movie to watch it is Cars or Cars 2.
You love music and are constantly singing songs, or pretending/playing some type of musical instrument.
In just the last week you decided that you didn't want to wear diapers anymore. You have now been in underwear a week, you are fully potty trained, however we are struggling with number 2. You will get it. I know you will.
You love your family with everything you have but are so stubborn at times you drive us crazy. If it isn't your idea we can forget it, you won't do it. Every time we enter the hospital you win over the doctors and nurses within the first few minutes of meeting you. You don't fight but you won't talk to them either. You give them a smile every now and then, and once you warm up to them they all comment on how cute you are and how you are such a good patient.
You just recovered from pneumonia number 12. It is hard to see you sick so often but you don't let it bother you. I think it bothers me twice a much as it bothers you. We are hoping that within the next few months things will turn around for you.
Your sister is one of your best friends and you will follow her around and do anything she asks you too. You will also stand up for her. Once a few months ago she got in trouble and she ha
d to go say sorry to her teacher. You walked with her and held her hand while she did it.
In swim you are now in the big boy class and are starting to swim more and more by yourself. You aren't up for swimming the length of the pool yet but are in the deep end.
Colin you have made me a better mom and a stronger person. You have taught me how to stand up for what I know is right. In the past year I have learned how to take care of PICC lines and talk in terms I never dreamed I would even know. I do it because I love you and I want only the best for you. People constantly tell me what a strong person I am. But really I don't think it is me that is strong, it is you. No matter what happens you get back up and try again. You are determined little boy and have so much fight in you. You will be able to accomplish anything you put your mind to in your life time.
I am one lucky mom to get to call you my son and I love you so very much. I look forward to watching you grow over the next year.

You weigh a little over 40 lbs. And are pretty tall, I think they said about 42 inches the last time they measured you. You love to eat and can eat more than your sister and do most days. Your favorite food is corn dogs, milk shakes and rice krispies
Your favorite thing to do is play cars. You run around the house making race car noises and any time you can pick a movie to watch it is Cars or Cars 2.
You love music and are constantly singing songs, or pretending/playing some type of musical instrument.
In just the last week you decided that you didn't want to wear diapers anymore. You have now been in underwear a week, you are fully potty trained, however we are struggling with number 2. You will get it. I know you will.
You love your family with everything you have but are so stubborn at times you drive us crazy. If it isn't your idea we can forget it, you won't do it. Every time we enter the hospital you win over the doctors and nurses within the first few minutes of meeting you. You don't fight but you won't talk to them either. You give them a smile every now and then, and once you warm up to them they all comment on how cute you are and how you are such a good patient.

Your sister is one of your best friends and you will follow her around and do anything she asks you too. You will also stand up for her. Once a few months ago she got in trouble and she ha
d to go say sorry to her teacher. You walked with her and held her hand while she did it.

Colin you have made me a better mom and a stronger person. You have taught me how to stand up for what I know is right. In the past year I have learned how to take care of PICC lines and talk in terms I never dreamed I would even know. I do it because I love you and I want only the best for you. People constantly tell me what a strong person I am. But really I don't think it is me that is strong, it is you. No matter what happens you get back up and try again. You are determined little boy and have so much fight in you. You will be able to accomplish anything you put your mind to in your life time.
I am one lucky mom to get to call you my son and I love you so very much. I look forward to watching you grow over the next year.
Colin 3 year old Interview
What is your favorite color? Blue
What is your favorite toy? Truck
What is your favorite fruit? Grapes
What is your favorite tv show? Airplanes
What is your favorite thing to eat for lunch? Pancakes
What is your favorite outfit? Cars shirt

What is your favorite game? Cars with Daddy
What is your favorite snack? Poptarts
What is your favorite animal? Elephant
What is your favorite song? "Oh no never let go through the storm"
What is your favorite book? Thomas
Who is your best friend? Yaya (Allison)
What is your favorite cereal? Rice Krispies
What is your favorite thing to do outside? Play with Chase and Yaya
What is your favorite drink? Milk, water too
What is your favorite holiday? Putting trees up
What do you like to take to bed with you at night? Teddy Bear
What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast? Rice Krispies
What do you want for dinner on your birthday? Pancakes, sausage and bananas
What do you want to be when you grow up? Go to Daddy's work
What is your favorite toy? Truck
What is your favorite fruit? Grapes
What is your favorite tv show? Airplanes
What is your favorite thing to eat for lunch? Pancakes
What is your favorite outfit? Cars shirt

What is your favorite game? Cars with Daddy
What is your favorite snack? Poptarts
What is your favorite animal? Elephant
What is your favorite song? "Oh no never let go through the storm"
What is your favorite book? Thomas
Who is your best friend? Yaya (Allison)
What is your favorite cereal? Rice Krispies
What is your favorite thing to do outside? Play with Chase and Yaya
What is your favorite drink? Milk, water too
What is your favorite holiday? Putting trees up
What do you like to take to bed with you at night? Teddy Bear
What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast? Rice Krispies
What do you want for dinner on your birthday? Pancakes, sausage and bananas
What do you want to be when you grow up? Go to Daddy's work
Sunday, October 27, 2013
A weekend of Halloween
This was our weekend of getting ready for Halloween. We painted the kids pumpkins, carved our pumpkins, went Trunk or Treating and a Halloween theme birthday party.
The kids have fully enjoyed wearing their costumes and getting Candy. The best part is that they think they are done. They don't realize they have one more time of going out to get candy.
Colin has had little interest in decorating, or cleaning out the pumpkins. He is willing to come watch for about 20 seconds and then he says he is done and runs away. When trying to convince him to reach his hand in the pumpkin he looked in, touched the edge said "No that is yucky" and ran away. This is about 10 seconds more than he showed interest last year. I'm guessing Halloween isn't going to be his holiday.
The kids have fully enjoyed wearing their costumes and getting Candy. The best part is that they think they are done. They don't realize they have one more time of going out to get candy.
Colin has had little interest in decorating, or cleaning out the pumpkins. He is willing to come watch for about 20 seconds and then he says he is done and runs away. When trying to convince him to reach his hand in the pumpkin he looked in, touched the edge said "No that is yucky" and ran away. This is about 10 seconds more than he showed interest last year. I'm guessing Halloween isn't going to be his holiday.
Saturday, October 19, 2013
Today we had our first family outing in over a month. Between Chris being gone and then Colin's surgery we really haven't had all 4 of us in the same house in a long time.
I bought these ticket to the circus about 6 months ago. The circus was at 11, so we left the house about 9:30 and went to a metrolink station. We rode the metrolink station to Scott trade center.
The circus was actually longer than I expected but the kids loved it. They sat still for the whole thing. After it was over we went to a restaurant for burgers and milkshakes in downtown St. Louis.
We then rode the metrolink back to our car and came home. It was a fantastic day to spend with the family. We are hoping to go pumpkin picking tomorrow. For another fun day together.
I bought these ticket to the circus about 6 months ago. The circus was at 11, so we left the house about 9:30 and went to a metrolink station. We rode the metrolink station to Scott trade center.
The circus was actually longer than I expected but the kids loved it. They sat still for the whole thing. After it was over we went to a restaurant for burgers and milkshakes in downtown St. Louis.
We then rode the metrolink back to our car and came home. It was a fantastic day to spend with the family. We are hoping to go pumpkin picking tomorrow. For another fun day together.
Laryngeal Cleft Repair
We discovered Colin had a laryngeal cleft in August of 2012. After countless doctor's appointments and procedures we got to the biggest on of them this past Monday.
Starting Wednesday Oct.9 Colin started oral antibiotics for a bad cold that he had. He then entered the hospital on Saturday Oct. 12. They started IV antibiotics so that he would be well enough for surgery on Monday. Sunday night they took him down for a chest x-ray that showed pneumonia in his right lung.
On Monday they decided to go forward with surgery since he wasn't running a fever and had been on antibiotics for so long.
Surgery was supposed to start at 1:15. The doctor was running behind and wanted him to have a breathing treatment first so that was done. At 2:25 I carried him back into the OR room. He was asleep when we walked in. He woke up when I put him down on the OR table. He started crying. I told him that it would be okay and that I would be there when he woke up. He kept repeating, "but I am awake, I'm already awake". Since he already had an IV in they just put the medicine through the IV and he was asleep pretty quickly.
At 3:30 the phone in our waiting area rang. My heart went into my throat. An operator was on the line and said please hold for the OR. At this point I thought I could throw up. The OR came on and a voice I didn't recognize says that there was an issue with the equipment they were hoping to use and that we shouldn't worry, but surgery would be a little longer than expected.
At 4:26 the doctor came out to the waiting area. She told us that the equipment that wasn't working was the laser she had planned to use to make the cut in his throat. So instead she had to use a scalpel. For this reason there was more bleeding and swelling and so she was going to leave the tube(breathing tube) down his throat until the following day and keep him in a sedated coma. She said she was able to get one stitch in (she had been planning two but with a different cut she only put one). She said she would come out in a bit and tell us what room in the ICU he was in.
As soon as she left I broke down in tears. I didn't want my baby to be on a breathing tube. After a little bit she came back out and told us that he was in bed 6 in the ICU.
Chris and I went back up to his room on the 10th floor to gather up his stuff and then went to the 7th floor. We got to the ICU room just as Colin was arriving. We had to stand outside the room while they moved him from the OR bed to the ICU bed. We stood there and watched while they attached more wires than I can count to his body to monitor everything about him. We stood there for almost an hour before we were allowed in the room to give him a kiss.
That was one of the longest hours of my life. We were finally able to go in, but were soon ushered out again and told to go wait in the Parent waiting room.
Finally what seemed like half a day later we were able to go in. We stood there holding his hand the best we could since he had IV's coming out of both hands. I went to get my stuff from the car. While I was gone he started to wake up. Chris comforted him and told him to go back to sleep. After about 30 minutes the medicine finally kicked in and with both Chris and I holding his hands he went back to sleep.
All through the night someone was in the room every 30 minutes to suction him or check vitals or give breathing treatment. Starting at about 1 am Colin started to break out of the sedation. As long as I was holding his hand he was okay, but if I let go he got agitated.
At 9am he sat almost straight up in bed. The nurse had just happened to walk in just then and started yelling for help. Before I knew it there was about 10 people in the room holding him down, suctioning him and yelling for medicine. He started to turn blue in his face, the upped his oxygen to 100%, he was foaming at the mouth, they kept suctioning him. His eyes were looking at me filled with terror, he kept trying to scream. He had people holding his arms, legs, and one doctor practically laying on his body. It took about 5 minutes but felt like 30 and they finally had the medicine they needed to put him back to sleep. As soon as he was asleep I told the nurse his mouth was bleeding and I ran out of the room.
I ran straight to the parent's lounge sobbing. Thank God one of the only phone numbers I know by heart is Chris' cell. I dialed his number and when he answered through sobs I told him "I need you" he said ok and that he would be right there.
I got myself together and went back to be with Colin. When I got back to the room the nurse was just finishing cleaning him up. She said the blood from the mouth was just from his lip and that his throat was still okay.
At 10 the ENT and about 10 other people piled back into the room to pull the tube. They were able to pull it, Colin fought it a little but as soon as enough people cleared out of the way I was able to climb into bed with him and hold him. That seemed to settle him down.
We spent the rest of the day sitting on the bed watching TV and cuddling. At one point I was sitting by the bed and he told me "Mommy get in bed with me you need me".
Tuesday night we were supposed to be moved to a regular floor since he was off all oxygen and was doing well, but due to a mis-communication and Colin starting to run a low grade fever we stayed in ICU Tuesday night.
On Wednesday morning he woke up, no fever, and ate a nice breakfast of pancakes and rice krispies. The ENT came by and said that he was doing fantastic and she was okay with him going home. (Our original plan had us staying in the hospital for another 2 nights). So about 11am on Wednesday morning we were discharged straight from the ICU. This picture on the left is us waiting for his discharge papers. They had unhooked all the wires from him and he stood at the door telling everyone that he was going home.
For Thursday and Friday we stayed home and took it easy. He is on a soft food diet for two weeks and low activity for a week to make sure the stitch heals.
We won't know for about 6 week if the surgery worked or not. I pray nightly that it did. That hospital stay number 8 is our last but right now I'm not 100% confident that it is.
Starting Wednesday Oct.9 Colin started oral antibiotics for a bad cold that he had. He then entered the hospital on Saturday Oct. 12. They started IV antibiotics so that he would be well enough for surgery on Monday. Sunday night they took him down for a chest x-ray that showed pneumonia in his right lung.
On Monday they decided to go forward with surgery since he wasn't running a fever and had been on antibiotics for so long.
Surgery was supposed to start at 1:15. The doctor was running behind and wanted him to have a breathing treatment first so that was done. At 2:25 I carried him back into the OR room. He was asleep when we walked in. He woke up when I put him down on the OR table. He started crying. I told him that it would be okay and that I would be there when he woke up. He kept repeating, "but I am awake, I'm already awake". Since he already had an IV in they just put the medicine through the IV and he was asleep pretty quickly.
At 3:30 the phone in our waiting area rang. My heart went into my throat. An operator was on the line and said please hold for the OR. At this point I thought I could throw up. The OR came on and a voice I didn't recognize says that there was an issue with the equipment they were hoping to use and that we shouldn't worry, but surgery would be a little longer than expected.

As soon as she left I broke down in tears. I didn't want my baby to be on a breathing tube. After a little bit she came back out and told us that he was in bed 6 in the ICU.

That was one of the longest hours of my life. We were finally able to go in, but were soon ushered out again and told to go wait in the Parent waiting room.
Finally what seemed like half a day later we were able to go in. We stood there holding his hand the best we could since he had IV's coming out of both hands. I went to get my stuff from the car. While I was gone he started to wake up. Chris comforted him and told him to go back to sleep. After about 30 minutes the medicine finally kicked in and with both Chris and I holding his hands he went back to sleep.
All through the night someone was in the room every 30 minutes to suction him or check vitals or give breathing treatment. Starting at about 1 am Colin started to break out of the sedation. As long as I was holding his hand he was okay, but if I let go he got agitated.
At 9am he sat almost straight up in bed. The nurse had just happened to walk in just then and started yelling for help. Before I knew it there was about 10 people in the room holding him down, suctioning him and yelling for medicine. He started to turn blue in his face, the upped his oxygen to 100%, he was foaming at the mouth, they kept suctioning him. His eyes were looking at me filled with terror, he kept trying to scream. He had people holding his arms, legs, and one doctor practically laying on his body. It took about 5 minutes but felt like 30 and they finally had the medicine they needed to put him back to sleep. As soon as he was asleep I told the nurse his mouth was bleeding and I ran out of the room.
I ran straight to the parent's lounge sobbing. Thank God one of the only phone numbers I know by heart is Chris' cell. I dialed his number and when he answered through sobs I told him "I need you" he said ok and that he would be right there.
I got myself together and went back to be with Colin. When I got back to the room the nurse was just finishing cleaning him up. She said the blood from the mouth was just from his lip and that his throat was still okay.
At 10 the ENT and about 10 other people piled back into the room to pull the tube. They were able to pull it, Colin fought it a little but as soon as enough people cleared out of the way I was able to climb into bed with him and hold him. That seemed to settle him down.

Tuesday night we were supposed to be moved to a regular floor since he was off all oxygen and was doing well, but due to a mis-communication and Colin starting to run a low grade fever we stayed in ICU Tuesday night.

For Thursday and Friday we stayed home and took it easy. He is on a soft food diet for two weeks and low activity for a week to make sure the stitch heals.
We won't know for about 6 week if the surgery worked or not. I pray nightly that it did. That hospital stay number 8 is our last but right now I'm not 100% confident that it is.
Saturday, October 5, 2013
Monthly update
I guess this has turned into a monthly update blog instead of event updates.
Alyssa had surgery on Sept 19. She did FANTASTIC. The surgery was on a Thursday and by the Saturday you would of had no clue that she had surgery. She was eating chips and running around like nothing happened. It was night and day difference from what we went through with Colin.
On Sept 23 Chris left for Kansas for work. He is working in Liberal Kansas. He is working 12 hours a day 7 days a week. So we talk to him at night on the computer but that is about it. He finally gets to come home on the 8th. We are all excited to see him.
My business is doing well. We just hit 30 kids. So we are doing really well, and we are continuing to grow in staff and children. The staff all seems to be enjoying their jobs and doing a good job. We have our last big state visit here in the next week or so. Our last visit we didn't have a single violation and we are hoping for the same this time. Though this one will be an all day visit so lots of stress with this one.
We are now getting ready for Colin's next surgery. He will go into the hospital next Saturday (Oct 12). He will have two days of antibiotics through IV and then surgery the afternoon of the 14th. We will be in the hospital anywhere from 2 days to 7. We have ticket to the circus on the 19th so we are hoping we are out of the hospital by then.
So that is us in a nut shell. Hopefully it will be less than a month with another update.
Alyssa had surgery on Sept 19. She did FANTASTIC. The surgery was on a Thursday and by the Saturday you would of had no clue that she had surgery. She was eating chips and running around like nothing happened. It was night and day difference from what we went through with Colin.
On Sept 23 Chris left for Kansas for work. He is working in Liberal Kansas. He is working 12 hours a day 7 days a week. So we talk to him at night on the computer but that is about it. He finally gets to come home on the 8th. We are all excited to see him.
My business is doing well. We just hit 30 kids. So we are doing really well, and we are continuing to grow in staff and children. The staff all seems to be enjoying their jobs and doing a good job. We have our last big state visit here in the next week or so. Our last visit we didn't have a single violation and we are hoping for the same this time. Though this one will be an all day visit so lots of stress with this one.
We are now getting ready for Colin's next surgery. He will go into the hospital next Saturday (Oct 12). He will have two days of antibiotics through IV and then surgery the afternoon of the 14th. We will be in the hospital anywhere from 2 days to 7. We have ticket to the circus on the 19th so we are hoping we are out of the hospital by then.
So that is us in a nut shell. Hopefully it will be less than a month with another update.
Friday, September 6, 2013
Surgery, Surgery, Surgery
Alyssa has surgery Sept 19. She is going to have removal of tonsils, adenoids, and ear tubes. Since she doesn't have the medical issues that Colin has she gets to come home the same day as the surgery. In fact when speaking with the nurse they said that probably within 2 hours of the surgery being complete we will be home. This is amazing to me, yet thinking back to Colin he was feeling great right after surgery, it was when the medicine started to wear off that he felt crummy.
I'm really hoping her recovery is easier than Colin's yet after going through Colin's I at least know what to do for Alyssa to make her comfortable. She is a lot easier to bribe and reason with than him.
Colin also has surgery scheduled for Oct. 14. He is going to have the stitch repair. We are hoping and praying that that this will cure his chronic sickness. We have had 10 confirmed cases of pneumonia. With this stitch it should keep him from aspirating and that will hopefully cure the pneumonias. So we will go into the hospital 2-3 days before the surgery to put him on IV antibiotics to make sure he is well enough for surgery. He will then have the surgery. He will then spend at least one night in ICU and another on a regular floor. He will spend somewhere between 2 and 7 nights after surgery in the hospital. It will all depend on how well he recovers from the procedure. I am preparing myself for 7 but hoping for 2.
Lets hope that this is the last year we have to meet our deductibles. Maybe 2014 will be our year of awesomeness.
I'm really hoping her recovery is easier than Colin's yet after going through Colin's I at least know what to do for Alyssa to make her comfortable. She is a lot easier to bribe and reason with than him.
Colin also has surgery scheduled for Oct. 14. He is going to have the stitch repair. We are hoping and praying that that this will cure his chronic sickness. We have had 10 confirmed cases of pneumonia. With this stitch it should keep him from aspirating and that will hopefully cure the pneumonias. So we will go into the hospital 2-3 days before the surgery to put him on IV antibiotics to make sure he is well enough for surgery. He will then have the surgery. He will then spend at least one night in ICU and another on a regular floor. He will spend somewhere between 2 and 7 nights after surgery in the hospital. It will all depend on how well he recovers from the procedure. I am preparing myself for 7 but hoping for 2.
Lets hope that this is the last year we have to meet our deductibles. Maybe 2014 will be our year of awesomeness.
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
What is love?
I was reading another blog tonight and she wrote that she recently went to a wedding and the bride asked for her opinion on what makes a good marriage. This got me thinking about my relationship.
What makes a good marriage is so different for each couple. There are many times I look at another person's relationship and think "there is no way that would work for me." As I'm sure other people look at my relationship and think the same thing.
But I do know that I have a husband that loves me. He may not speak it in words every day but I know through his actions that he loves me. He isn't sending me flowers on a daily basis or renting a plane to fly a banner professing his love, but he does know the little things to do that make my day just a little brighter or easier.
There are many times I wonder how I got so lucky to have a man that not only does his fair share of household chores and cooking but also loves his kids with everything he has and still has enough time and love to support me in all my crazy adventures.
I know I'm not the easiest person to live with. I have a very strong type A personality. I struggle often with giving up control and having things done my way. And though I know at times he thinks I'm crazy and I catch him smiling and rolling his eyes at me, he will still do it if he knows it will make me happy.
So for me, love is taking the time to say I love you, giving a smile across the room, bringing a soda and brownie to a lunch date, and holding my hand when I'm scared.
I have a really good husband and I really good life. Sometimes I think I just need to slow down to appreciate it. And I really hope he feels the same way.
What makes a good marriage is so different for each couple. There are many times I look at another person's relationship and think "there is no way that would work for me." As I'm sure other people look at my relationship and think the same thing.
But I do know that I have a husband that loves me. He may not speak it in words every day but I know through his actions that he loves me. He isn't sending me flowers on a daily basis or renting a plane to fly a banner professing his love, but he does know the little things to do that make my day just a little brighter or easier.

I know I'm not the easiest person to live with. I have a very strong type A personality. I struggle often with giving up control and having things done my way. And though I know at times he thinks I'm crazy and I catch him smiling and rolling his eyes at me, he will still do it if he knows it will make me happy.
So for me, love is taking the time to say I love you, giving a smile across the room, bringing a soda and brownie to a lunch date, and holding my hand when I'm scared.
I have a really good husband and I really good life. Sometimes I think I just need to slow down to appreciate it. And I really hope he feels the same way.
Sleep Study
Tonight Alyssa goes for a sleep study to find out if she has sleep apnea. They suggested I do this about 6 months ago and I put it on the back burner.
We had a sleep study done for Colin about a month ago and it showed he was having up to 12 apnea issues an hour. At this point I decided it was best to get Alyssa's looked at too. She already has to have surgery in October to have the tubes in her ears removed, so if we need to do tonsils or adenoids with it we can.
We let her her pick who went with her since Chris had some time off work. She said she wanted Daddy to go with her. I am nervous that I won't be there if she gets scared but I know that Chris is very capable of taking care of her.
After all we have gone through with Colin in the past week with his tonsils I'm really hoping that hers won't have to be removed, but I have heard that Colin is more on the rare side for that age and that usually they bounce back quicker.
I guess only time will tell, we should have the results in a week.
We had a sleep study done for Colin about a month ago and it showed he was having up to 12 apnea issues an hour. At this point I decided it was best to get Alyssa's looked at too. She already has to have surgery in October to have the tubes in her ears removed, so if we need to do tonsils or adenoids with it we can.
We let her her pick who went with her since Chris had some time off work. She said she wanted Daddy to go with her. I am nervous that I won't be there if she gets scared but I know that Chris is very capable of taking care of her.
After all we have gone through with Colin in the past week with his tonsils I'm really hoping that hers won't have to be removed, but I have heard that Colin is more on the rare side for that age and that usually they bounce back quicker.
I guess only time will tell, we should have the results in a week.
Sunday, August 11, 2013
Alyssa update
I have posted about Colin in the last few rare posts that I have put up, so I wanted to update on Alyssa.
She turned 4.5 on Tuesday! I can't believe what a young little girl she is turning into. Chris and I have started to talk about the path we are going to take for her for kindergarten. She is a very bright little girl and already knows a lot for only being 4. I'm worried that she is going to be bored in school and not enjoy it. So we are discussing our options that are in the area. We have not made a decision and I can't even say we are more inclined one way or another at this point.
Alyssa can count to about 20 with accuracy. She can recognize all of her letter and is getting better with her numbers. She can write her name, knows her address and is learning her phone number. She has become really good at tracing and coloring.
We are still working on cutting and other super fine motor skills.
She loves to help and will help fix dinner, or clean up with ease. Today she spent the day outside with Chris and she came up with ideas on how to make the wood they were cutting to fall quieter, and was able to sweep the garage without help.
Alyssa has very strong opinions and ideas on many things and it is fun and frustrating at the same time to watch those ideas come into focus.
I am one lucky mom to have such a wonderful little girl!
She turned 4.5 on Tuesday! I can't believe what a young little girl she is turning into. Chris and I have started to talk about the path we are going to take for her for kindergarten. She is a very bright little girl and already knows a lot for only being 4. I'm worried that she is going to be bored in school and not enjoy it. So we are discussing our options that are in the area. We have not made a decision and I can't even say we are more inclined one way or another at this point.
Alyssa can count to about 20 with accuracy. She can recognize all of her letter and is getting better with her numbers. She can write her name, knows her address and is learning her phone number. She has become really good at tracing and coloring.
We are still working on cutting and other super fine motor skills.
She loves to help and will help fix dinner, or clean up with ease. Today she spent the day outside with Chris and she came up with ideas on how to make the wood they were cutting to fall quieter, and was able to sweep the garage without help.
Alyssa has very strong opinions and ideas on many things and it is fun and frustrating at the same time to watch those ideas come into focus.
I am one lucky mom to have such a wonderful little girl!
Tonsil removal
On Monday Colin had his tonsils removed. When he woke up from surgery he was in a lot of pain. In fact we were never able to get in front of the pain until 2:30 Tuesday morning. We spent Monday night in the hospital and from Monday at 4:00PM until 1:00 PM on Tuesday Colin refused to eat or drink anything.
We finally went back to the thing that has gotten us out of the hospital twice before and had Chris bring a milkshake. He drank that all down so we had Grandma bring another one. When he drank that one We called the nurse to ask the doctor if we could go home that night. Finally about 6:45 PM on Tuesday night we were released from the hospital. He was on tylenol every 4 hours and oxycontin every 4 hours that were separated by 2 hours. So every two hours he was getting a medicine.
We are now on Sunday we still have not been able to space his medicine out. Every time we try he turns into a drooling horrible mess. He is also starting to cough more than he was in the hospital. It is a wet cough but doesn't seem to be bringing anything up so I am a little concerned about that.
I think I will be putting a call into the doctor tomorrow to see what we can do about all of that.
Tonsil removal has been the hardest surgery he has gone through so far. He is miserable a fair amount of the time and you can just see in his face that he is in a lot of pain still. I'm really hoping in the next day he will turn the corner and start to feel better.
We finally went back to the thing that has gotten us out of the hospital twice before and had Chris bring a milkshake. He drank that all down so we had Grandma bring another one. When he drank that one We called the nurse to ask the doctor if we could go home that night. Finally about 6:45 PM on Tuesday night we were released from the hospital. He was on tylenol every 4 hours and oxycontin every 4 hours that were separated by 2 hours. So every two hours he was getting a medicine.
We are now on Sunday we still have not been able to space his medicine out. Every time we try he turns into a drooling horrible mess. He is also starting to cough more than he was in the hospital. It is a wet cough but doesn't seem to be bringing anything up so I am a little concerned about that.
I think I will be putting a call into the doctor tomorrow to see what we can do about all of that.
Tonsil removal has been the hardest surgery he has gone through so far. He is miserable a fair amount of the time and you can just see in his face that he is in a lot of pain still. I'm really hoping in the next day he will turn the corner and start to feel better.
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Another Month
Hopefully August will be a better month for blogging than June and July were.
I have been telling everyone that August will be better. I will have more time, I won't work as many hours, I will have more free weekends, etc. I have no idea what makes me think that once it turns Aug it will all magically get better, but that is what I keep telling myself and anyone that asks.
The good news is for right now Chris isn't working as many hours and has been able to take a day off here or there and spend time with one or both kids.
My business is doing well. I'm suffering a little, the hours are long, the stress is hard and mommy guilt hits hard and strong at times. I have talked to my doctor and we have started a few medicines to help me out until I figure out our new normal.
Colin has another surgery on Monday to have his tonsils taken out and do another bronchoscopy with a wash. This will be surgery number 6. We will then schedule surgery number 7 once he is recovered. Hopefully 7 will be our lucky number.
Alyssa is doing much better with the long hours and new friends at daycare.
Both kids really look forward and enjoy our weekends at the lake. They are both little fish and are old enough that they can swim in the water while I sit on the dock and watch them.
They have also enjoyed our day trips to Grant's Farm, peach picking, parks, bike rides and other fun activities we have done to keep up busy.
Hopefully I can get back to regular scheduling blogging sooner than later.
I have been telling everyone that August will be better. I will have more time, I won't work as many hours, I will have more free weekends, etc. I have no idea what makes me think that once it turns Aug it will all magically get better, but that is what I keep telling myself and anyone that asks.
The good news is for right now Chris isn't working as many hours and has been able to take a day off here or there and spend time with one or both kids.
My business is doing well. I'm suffering a little, the hours are long, the stress is hard and mommy guilt hits hard and strong at times. I have talked to my doctor and we have started a few medicines to help me out until I figure out our new normal.
Colin has another surgery on Monday to have his tonsils taken out and do another bronchoscopy with a wash. This will be surgery number 6. We will then schedule surgery number 7 once he is recovered. Hopefully 7 will be our lucky number.
Alyssa is doing much better with the long hours and new friends at daycare.
Both kids really look forward and enjoy our weekends at the lake. They are both little fish and are old enough that they can swim in the water while I sit on the dock and watch them.
They have also enjoyed our day trips to Grant's Farm, peach picking, parks, bike rides and other fun activities we have done to keep up busy.
Hopefully I can get back to regular scheduling blogging sooner than later.
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Why hello
Wow, it has been almost a month since my last blog. Things are so busy that by the time I sit down for the evening, I'm to tired and drained to write a blog.
My business is doing well. We are up to almost 30 kids. We have had some staffing issues, but I think they are starting to work out and settle down.
Alyssa is having a very rough time with the long hours I am putting in at work and so we have had lots of melt downs and issues.
Colin is doing ok. He has had more apnea issues and I have scheduled an appointment with a new doctor the end of July for a second opinion. He seems to be adjusting better to the long hours, but his health is a concern being away from home for so many hours a day.
Chris is doing well, he is working 7 days a week and at least 10 hours every day. We miss him and are looking forward to August when his schedule will hopefully slow down.
Mom was here for about 2 and a half weeks off and on. It was nice to see her, and the kids loved spending time with her, with and without me. They enjoyed mornings lounging around the house while I went to work, and enjoyed Grandma picking them up early to play.
We went and visited my Grandpa on Father's Day. The kids did a fantastic job that day and seem to enjoy going to his house, even though he has nothing for them to play with. That was a fun day because Chris surprised me the morning of, telling me he didn't have to work that day so we were able to go down as a family.
The kids and I with my mom went to Grant's farm one weekend and the kids had a blast feeding the goats, watching an elephant show and riding a train.
It has been a good month, but just incredibly busy. This weekend we get our first weekend at the lake since Memorial day. I am looking forward to a nice relaxing weekend of swimming, boating, naps and laughter.
My business is doing well. We are up to almost 30 kids. We have had some staffing issues, but I think they are starting to work out and settle down.
Alyssa is having a very rough time with the long hours I am putting in at work and so we have had lots of melt downs and issues.
Colin is doing ok. He has had more apnea issues and I have scheduled an appointment with a new doctor the end of July for a second opinion. He seems to be adjusting better to the long hours, but his health is a concern being away from home for so many hours a day.
Chris is doing well, he is working 7 days a week and at least 10 hours every day. We miss him and are looking forward to August when his schedule will hopefully slow down.
Mom was here for about 2 and a half weeks off and on. It was nice to see her, and the kids loved spending time with her, with and without me. They enjoyed mornings lounging around the house while I went to work, and enjoyed Grandma picking them up early to play.
We went and visited my Grandpa on Father's Day. The kids did a fantastic job that day and seem to enjoy going to his house, even though he has nothing for them to play with. That was a fun day because Chris surprised me the morning of, telling me he didn't have to work that day so we were able to go down as a family.
The kids and I with my mom went to Grant's farm one weekend and the kids had a blast feeding the goats, watching an elephant show and riding a train.
It has been a good month, but just incredibly busy. This weekend we get our first weekend at the lake since Memorial day. I am looking forward to a nice relaxing weekend of swimming, boating, naps and laughter.
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Opening the Cabin
My dad flew in to town on Thursday and we took our first trip down to the lake on Friday. The water and air was still really cold, but we got to enjoy a few boat rides, some time on the raft, s'mores and Alyssa's favorite restaurant at the lake.
On Saturday Colin fell into the water with a sweatshirt and jeans after getting off the boat. He was upset that the water got him, but that didn't stop him from loving being on the dock. He also LOVED the raft, he laughed and smiled the whole time while screaming faster, faster.
Alyssa was more cautious on the raft, but still enjoyed it. She went swimming on both Sunday and Monday for a few minutes each day. She loved being on the boat and is already talking about going back.
On Saturday Colin fell into the water with a sweatshirt and jeans after getting off the boat. He was upset that the water got him, but that didn't stop him from loving being on the dock. He also LOVED the raft, he laughed and smiled the whole time while screaming faster, faster.
Alyssa was more cautious on the raft, but still enjoyed it. She went swimming on both Sunday and Monday for a few minutes each day. She loved being on the boat and is already talking about going back.
Thursday, May 2, 2013
Its official!
I am now 65% owner of a daycare center. One that is already at half capacity! WOW! I'm so overwhelmed, happy and excited.
Can't wait to see what else the future holds for me.
Can't wait to see what else the future holds for me.
Monday, April 29, 2013
Ear Piercing Round two
On Friday Alyssa got the idea in her head that she wanted to get her ears pierced. I told her that we would go after work.
So off we went. She sat in my lap and was brave until it came time to actually pierce the ears. She sat still while they marked her ears, cleaned them and got the ear rings ready, but as soon as they said ok she freaked out. After about 10 minutes of every bribe we could think of it ended up with me piercing one of my ears and us leaving.
We have told her that there is no round three, that she will now have to wait until she is 13.
Lets see if I keep that promise.
So off we went. She sat in my lap and was brave until it came time to actually pierce the ears. She sat still while they marked her ears, cleaned them and got the ear rings ready, but as soon as they said ok she freaked out. After about 10 minutes of every bribe we could think of it ended up with me piercing one of my ears and us leaving.
We have told her that there is no round three, that she will now have to wait until she is 13.
Lets see if I keep that promise.
Thursday, April 25, 2013
Dance Recital

She did wonderful. She danced both songs watching the teacher and a big smile on her face.
She has really seemed to enjoy dance this year and we only had one week that she didn't want to go or dance.

I am one proud mommy of my kids. I love that they are getting old enough to do things without me, but also still young enough when it is over they want a hug and mommy time.
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
ENT Visit
Today was the visit to the ENT. This was the first time seeing her since Colin's bronchoscopy. I had spoken to her a few times on the phone and knew that she was working closely with the pulmonologist.
So I figured she already had a game plan before we walked into the office. So after waiting over an hour past our appointment time we finally got to see the doctor. She decided that we are going to try removing his adenoids and putting filler around the cleft. We are going to leave his tonsils in for now since they aren't inflamed and that would be even more trauma to his throat.
The surgery is scheduled for May 6. He will stay one night in the hospital to be monitored for swelling and issues with the filler. Hopefully he will be able to come home early the next day.
The filler only lasts 3-4 months so we will watch him and monitor his health for those few months and see if we think the surgery helped. If his breathing and other issues are greatly improved we will discuss surgery to repair the cleft.
If things do not seem improved over that time then we are back to square one and will have to try to find a new avenue to keep him healthy.
I pray this is the answer we want/need. I am so burned out. I feel so defeated. I feel so alone. I just want to see my little boy healthy and happy for more than a 5 day stretch.
I am still very nervous about the filler since there are many risks that come with it. We didn't do it in March because of the issues, and now we once again don't really have much of a choice. I just pray she has steady hands and that it doesn't do any permanent damage to his vocal cords.
So I figured she already had a game plan before we walked into the office. So after waiting over an hour past our appointment time we finally got to see the doctor. She decided that we are going to try removing his adenoids and putting filler around the cleft. We are going to leave his tonsils in for now since they aren't inflamed and that would be even more trauma to his throat.
The surgery is scheduled for May 6. He will stay one night in the hospital to be monitored for swelling and issues with the filler. Hopefully he will be able to come home early the next day.
The filler only lasts 3-4 months so we will watch him and monitor his health for those few months and see if we think the surgery helped. If his breathing and other issues are greatly improved we will discuss surgery to repair the cleft.
If things do not seem improved over that time then we are back to square one and will have to try to find a new avenue to keep him healthy.
I pray this is the answer we want/need. I am so burned out. I feel so defeated. I feel so alone. I just want to see my little boy healthy and happy for more than a 5 day stretch.
I am still very nervous about the filler since there are many risks that come with it. We didn't do it in March because of the issues, and now we once again don't really have much of a choice. I just pray she has steady hands and that it doesn't do any permanent damage to his vocal cords.
Sunday, April 14, 2013
Colin's Illness
Colin has been sick more than he has been healthy since he was 4 months old. Many times people would think that he just has a slight cold unless you are around him for a good amount of time.
If you spend enough time with him you know that he coughs a lot and that he doesn't have the same amount of energy a 2 year old has. He can keep up with the other kids for awhile but then he has to drop off because he can't breathe.
We have been to doctors and had many tests run on him. Every time we think we have his illnesses under control he pops up with another symptom or issue.
Last week he had the PICC line put in. I thought this was going to really upset him. He has done great. He doesn't pick at it, he doesn't complain about it. He has just accepted it. Just like he has accepted everything else in his little life.
We constantly get comments from doctors, nurses, etc about what a great patient he is. As long as he is allowed to hold my hand they can take his blood, do his vitals, check his ears or lungs or any of the million other things he has had done.
While in the hospital they had to swab his nose, I told the doctor he should do okay. She wasn't so sure. After it was over she repeatedly told him what a great job he did and that most of their teenagers don't do as well as what he did. We went off to find a sticker or something for him.
What all this leads to, is while I'm very proud of my little boy for being so brave and doing so well with all these procedures it is hard on me.
I feel like my 2 year old shouldn't have to know how to get his blood drawn or an IV put in, or laying still for ultrasound or x-ray. I don't want to be told that he did great, I want to be told he doesn't need them.
I have been having a really hard time this week with accepting it all. Maybe I need to take a page from his book and just accept that this is a part of our life and it isn't going away any time soon.
If you spend enough time with him you know that he coughs a lot and that he doesn't have the same amount of energy a 2 year old has. He can keep up with the other kids for awhile but then he has to drop off because he can't breathe.
We have been to doctors and had many tests run on him. Every time we think we have his illnesses under control he pops up with another symptom or issue.
Last week he had the PICC line put in. I thought this was going to really upset him. He has done great. He doesn't pick at it, he doesn't complain about it. He has just accepted it. Just like he has accepted everything else in his little life.
We constantly get comments from doctors, nurses, etc about what a great patient he is. As long as he is allowed to hold my hand they can take his blood, do his vitals, check his ears or lungs or any of the million other things he has had done.
While in the hospital they had to swab his nose, I told the doctor he should do okay. She wasn't so sure. After it was over she repeatedly told him what a great job he did and that most of their teenagers don't do as well as what he did. We went off to find a sticker or something for him.
What all this leads to, is while I'm very proud of my little boy for being so brave and doing so well with all these procedures it is hard on me.
I feel like my 2 year old shouldn't have to know how to get his blood drawn or an IV put in, or laying still for ultrasound or x-ray. I don't want to be told that he did great, I want to be told he doesn't need them.
I have been having a really hard time this week with accepting it all. Maybe I need to take a page from his book and just accept that this is a part of our life and it isn't going away any time soon.

To top the whole thing off at the end we bought a funnel cake and caramel apple.
The kids enjoyed it and we promised next time it was in town we would go back again.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013
Ear infection
While in the hospital I'm pretty sure I came down with the flu. I had more symptoms than Colin but did not say anything because I didn't want to get kicked out of being able to stay with Colin.
I came home feeling better but my left ear started to really hurt.
Yesterday I went to a walk in clinic where they said I had a severe ear infection. I have now had two doses of medicine and while I can smile and eat now without severe pain my ear still feels like it wants to explode off my head from pressure and pain.
I feel so bad when the kids have ear infections because this is miserable.
I came home feeling better but my left ear started to really hurt.
Yesterday I went to a walk in clinic where they said I had a severe ear infection. I have now had two doses of medicine and while I can smile and eat now without severe pain my ear still feels like it wants to explode off my head from pressure and pain.
I feel so bad when the kids have ear infections because this is miserable.
The Last Week
Last Thursday we had an appointment with Colin's pulmonologist to go over blood results and talk about our next step from the bronoscopy.
I was nervous going into the appointment because a lot of the tests we had done were for CF. So we get to the appointment and are called right back. (The nice part of having the first appointment after lunch)
Very soon after we got in the room the doctor walked in the door. This set off a red flag for me, because we never see the doctor first. We always see a resident who talks to us and examines the kids and then the doctor comes in.
So he comes in and first words out of his mouth say when did the excma start? I told him that we had been battling it for about 2 months and I wasn't sure if it was an allergic reaction or eczema. He said it was definitely eczema and that it was an easy fix he would prescribe a new med for us to put on Colin. He wanted Colin to soak in the tub for 20 minutes a day and then put the medicine on him and then vaseline to keep all moisture on his skin.
I then start to talk about the cough. He says well let me examine him, because I think the cough has to do with the findings that we have. That made my heart race. My mind is going to CF or some other horrible illness. So he examines Colin. The whole time Colin is coughing every minute or two.
So we sit down after the exam and he says, so we knew that there was strep A in his lungs but he also had other multiple bacteria in his lungs. All the blood work came back normal so we don't have any immune disorders we are worried about but I want to admit Colin to the hospital for 2-3 days. In that time we will put in a picc line and he will see an infectious disease specialist. I also want to get an ultrasound of his spleen.
We were allowed to go home, pack our bags and we were to head back to the hospital between 6-7 that evening.
So on the way home I am making phone calls left and right to try to get the daycare covered, trying to inform family members of what is going on and so forth.
We get home and I get a bag packed, close up the daycare and eat dinner.
Colin and I get to the hospital about 7 and get checked in down at admin. We were then told to go ahead and go to the 7th floor. So we got up there and were shown to our room.
Thursday night all that happened was intial vitals were done, talked to doctor, IV was put in and meds were started.
On Friday he had an ultrasound done by 8:30 am. He got his picc line placed and later in the afternoon we talked to the infectious disease specialist. She wasn't too concerned with his condition and said she wanted to see another 14 days of oral meds after the 14 days of IV and talked about surgery for his cleft if this doesn't work long term. We also saw his pulmonologist.
Friday afternoon Colin took a late long nap, when he woke up he felt warm and was more lethargic than he had been.
By Saturday morning he was running a fever and was told we would not be going home that day. He was swabbed for RSV, Flu and other viruses. It came back that he had the Influenza A so we were started on Tamiflu.
On Sunday he had to prove that he could/would eat and drink okay and also have wet diapers and we finally got to go home about 5:00.
He has gotten better everyday we have been home and is coughing the least I have seen in over a month. His nose is also starting to clear up. I'm really hoping we have a few weeks of a healthy boy.
We have lots of follow up appointments and at those we will get a game plan for going forward.
I would have never dreamed that I would be giving my son IV antibiotics. But they seem to be helping and I'm so greatful that we do not have to stay in the hospital for 2 weeks for him to receive this medicine.
I was nervous going into the appointment because a lot of the tests we had done were for CF. So we get to the appointment and are called right back. (The nice part of having the first appointment after lunch)
Very soon after we got in the room the doctor walked in the door. This set off a red flag for me, because we never see the doctor first. We always see a resident who talks to us and examines the kids and then the doctor comes in.
So he comes in and first words out of his mouth say when did the excma start? I told him that we had been battling it for about 2 months and I wasn't sure if it was an allergic reaction or eczema. He said it was definitely eczema and that it was an easy fix he would prescribe a new med for us to put on Colin. He wanted Colin to soak in the tub for 20 minutes a day and then put the medicine on him and then vaseline to keep all moisture on his skin.
I then start to talk about the cough. He says well let me examine him, because I think the cough has to do with the findings that we have. That made my heart race. My mind is going to CF or some other horrible illness. So he examines Colin. The whole time Colin is coughing every minute or two.
So we sit down after the exam and he says, so we knew that there was strep A in his lungs but he also had other multiple bacteria in his lungs. All the blood work came back normal so we don't have any immune disorders we are worried about but I want to admit Colin to the hospital for 2-3 days. In that time we will put in a picc line and he will see an infectious disease specialist. I also want to get an ultrasound of his spleen.
We were allowed to go home, pack our bags and we were to head back to the hospital between 6-7 that evening.
So on the way home I am making phone calls left and right to try to get the daycare covered, trying to inform family members of what is going on and so forth.
We get home and I get a bag packed, close up the daycare and eat dinner.
Colin and I get to the hospital about 7 and get checked in down at admin. We were then told to go ahead and go to the 7th floor. So we got up there and were shown to our room.
Thursday night all that happened was intial vitals were done, talked to doctor, IV was put in and meds were started.
On Friday he had an ultrasound done by 8:30 am. He got his picc line placed and later in the afternoon we talked to the infectious disease specialist. She wasn't too concerned with his condition and said she wanted to see another 14 days of oral meds after the 14 days of IV and talked about surgery for his cleft if this doesn't work long term. We also saw his pulmonologist.
Friday afternoon Colin took a late long nap, when he woke up he felt warm and was more lethargic than he had been.
By Saturday morning he was running a fever and was told we would not be going home that day. He was swabbed for RSV, Flu and other viruses. It came back that he had the Influenza A so we were started on Tamiflu.
On Sunday he had to prove that he could/would eat and drink okay and also have wet diapers and we finally got to go home about 5:00.
He has gotten better everyday we have been home and is coughing the least I have seen in over a month. His nose is also starting to clear up. I'm really hoping we have a few weeks of a healthy boy.
We have lots of follow up appointments and at those we will get a game plan for going forward.
I would have never dreamed that I would be giving my son IV antibiotics. But they seem to be helping and I'm so greatful that we do not have to stay in the hospital for 2 weeks for him to receive this medicine.
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
Alyssa and the Dentist
Today Alyssa went to the Dentist for the first time. I wasn't sure how she was going to do. So I took her to someone she has seen almost daily for the last two years. One of my daycare moms works as a dental hygienist.
So we get to her office and she asks Alyssa if she wants to go first or let me go first. Alyssa decided she wanted to go first. So she got up in the chair and the hygienist gave her a pair of sunglasses to wear.
The whole time Alyssa did exactly what the hygienist asked her to do. Even when the dentist came in she did what he asked.
They gave her a good report, no cavities, and very little tartar build up.
It was then my turn and she was allowed to hang out in the waiting room doing puzzles and looking at books. She did great for that as well. She didn't come into the room once and sat quietly.
So good visit and we will go back in 6 months.
So we get to her office and she asks Alyssa if she wants to go first or let me go first. Alyssa decided she wanted to go first. So she got up in the chair and the hygienist gave her a pair of sunglasses to wear.
The whole time Alyssa did exactly what the hygienist asked her to do. Even when the dentist came in she did what he asked.
They gave her a good report, no cavities, and very little tartar build up.
It was then my turn and she was allowed to hang out in the waiting room doing puzzles and looking at books. She did great for that as well. She didn't come into the room once and sat quietly.
So good visit and we will go back in 6 months.
Sunday, March 31, 2013
Colin's Bedtime
For about two months Colin hated going to bed. He would do everything in his power to fight sleep including taking off his pj's. For awhile we put them on backwards, but it just seemed really uncomfortable so we stopped and after about an hour or more of playing he would usually fall asleep in just his diaper.

The last two weeks or so he has been going down without a fight. However, there were still many nights when I went to check on him and he was just in a diaper.
I then noticed a pattern. On nights he wore jammies with feet he would take them off and on nights when they were feetless he would leave them on. I told Chris about it, he laughed and said the way to test the theory is to take a part that has feet and cut them off.
Well I did that last night. Guess what? He kept the jammies on!
I think he doesn't like his feet covered at night!
I then noticed a pattern. On nights he wore jammies with feet he would take them off and on nights when they were feetless he would leave them on. I told Chris about it, he laughed and said the way to test the theory is to take a part that has feet and cut them off.
Well I did that last night. Guess what? He kept the jammies on!
I think he doesn't like his feet covered at night!
Easter 2013
The day started off with Alyssa waking up at 6:30. She came in and cuddled with us for a bit. Chris and I both got showers in before Colin woke up a little after 7.
We came downstairs and the kids got to look through their Easter Baskets. This year they got two, one from the Easter Bunny and one from Grandpa and Nana. They thought that was awesome.
After breakfast we got dressed for church and took pictures.
We then grabbed our now empty Easter baskets and headed to church for another egg hunt. They had to do it inside, since the outside was too wet and muddy. The kids had a blast, and while shy at first they both got into looking for the eggs.
We then had dinner, and headed home.
I think they enjoyed their Easter and they have plenty of candy to last a long while.
Saturday, March 30, 2013
Zoo 2013
We got to the zoo about 9:30 and went straight to the children's zoo. Colin was very unimpressed and Alyssa just wanted to run.
We tried to get a picture of Colin and he refused, so we asked if he would let me take his picture after he saw an Elephant and he said yes.
So off to the elephants we went. As soon as we saw the first elephant he turned around faced me and said "cheese".
When at the monkey exhibit there was an orangutan that was sitting against the glass with a blanket over its head. There were a fair amount of people when we first walked up, but after a few minutes the crowd thinned out to just our family and a zoo keeper. At that time the orangutan took the blanket off its head. Alyssa walked up to it. I told her to stay back, but the zoo keeper said that it was okay and that "Robby liked kids" so Alyssa walked right up to it until she was almost nose to nose with her.
She started to talk to the orangutan, well this brought more of a crowd, so Robby put the blanket back over her head. Alyssa started to talk to her again and she would peek out from the blanket. Alyssa stood there playing peek a boo with this monkey while everyone else just stood around and watched. It was cool to see the interactions.
Almost every animal was out and was easy to spot. So the kids enjoyed seeing all the animals.
The kids had fun running around and playing while Chris and I worked. It was then decided that I would stay and work a little longer and Chris would take the kids home. Well as they were leaving, Colin was climbing into the car and somehow fell and smacked his face on the cement ground. He has two nice scrapes and goose eggs.
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Blood Work for Colin
About 3 weeks ago Colin went in for another bronchoscopy. Once again the bronchoscopy showed fluid and bacteria in his lungs. This is concerning because his lungs should not be harboring so much bacteria. So the doctors have ordered more blood work to test for Cystic fibrosis.
I have spent all week researching about CF. There are some very depressing facts about it. There are also some promising facts out there.
He had 7 vials of blood taken today. We should have the preliminary results back next Thursday when we see his pulmonologist. He was so brave. He didn't cry or fight or even flinch. Even when she dug in his arm because the blood had stopped flowing.
It will be a long week, but hopefully we have answers next week.
I have spent all week researching about CF. There are some very depressing facts about it. There are also some promising facts out there.
He had 7 vials of blood taken today. We should have the preliminary results back next Thursday when we see his pulmonologist. He was so brave. He didn't cry or fight or even flinch. Even when she dug in his arm because the blood had stopped flowing.
It will be a long week, but hopefully we have answers next week.
Sunday, March 24, 2013
Disney on Ice
I found out Disney was doing another show in St. Louis about 4 months ago and bought tickets. We didn't tell Alyssa till about a week ago. She was THRILLED to see another Disney on Ice show.
This morning we woke up to snow, with lots more expected through out the day. Chris and I started talking about how to get to the show, while trying to stay safe. We were trying to find the closest metrolink to our house. While doing this search I came across the idea of taking Amtrak from Alton to St. Louis. The Amtrak location is less than 10 miles from our house and the station in St. Louis was less than 2 blocks from where the show was. So I bought us tickets for the train.
We then went to church where the snow started to pick up and we had to break the news to Alyssa that they might cancel Disney on Ice. This made her very sad and she wanted to pray about it. So she asked Chris to say a prayer with her. He said one asking God to keep us safe and that we would be able to see the show. A few minutes later she asked me to say one with her, and so I did.
After our prayers we explained to her that sometimes God answers our prayers and sometimes he doesn't.
Church was canceled and Alyssa and I headed to the Amtrak station with Chris on watch for cancellations of the show.
Luckily they did not cancel the show, and besides the super scary drive to the Amtrak station and some wet feet on the walk to the show it was great.
Once we got into the show and found our seats, Alyssa asked that I help her say a prayer to Thank God for letting the show go on. So we did. Then, Alyssa sat in my lap the whole show, she didn't move. She loved all the action and really got into it all.
After it was over we had almost a 2 hour wait before our return train home. She was perfect the whole wait and didn't complain once.
We got back on the train took off her shoes and socks (just like we did for the entire show. Her feet got soaked from the walk). She sat and enjoyed the ride back.
Once again it was a super scary drive home, but luckily it was only a short drive versus the longer one we had originally talked about.
We got home with enough time for her to play in the snow for a few minutes before bed. We have about 12 or more inches of snow with another 1-3 predicted over night.
As we tucked her into bed again, we offered another prayer of thanks.
I think she had a good day.
This morning we woke up to snow, with lots more expected through out the day. Chris and I started talking about how to get to the show, while trying to stay safe. We were trying to find the closest metrolink to our house. While doing this search I came across the idea of taking Amtrak from Alton to St. Louis. The Amtrak location is less than 10 miles from our house and the station in St. Louis was less than 2 blocks from where the show was. So I bought us tickets for the train.
We then went to church where the snow started to pick up and we had to break the news to Alyssa that they might cancel Disney on Ice. This made her very sad and she wanted to pray about it. So she asked Chris to say a prayer with her. He said one asking God to keep us safe and that we would be able to see the show. A few minutes later she asked me to say one with her, and so I did.
After our prayers we explained to her that sometimes God answers our prayers and sometimes he doesn't.
Church was canceled and Alyssa and I headed to the Amtrak station with Chris on watch for cancellations of the show.
Luckily they did not cancel the show, and besides the super scary drive to the Amtrak station and some wet feet on the walk to the show it was great.
Once we got into the show and found our seats, Alyssa asked that I help her say a prayer to Thank God for letting the show go on. So we did. Then, Alyssa sat in my lap the whole show, she didn't move. She loved all the action and really got into it all.
After it was over we had almost a 2 hour wait before our return train home. She was perfect the whole wait and didn't complain once.
We got back on the train took off her shoes and socks (just like we did for the entire show. Her feet got soaked from the walk). She sat and enjoyed the ride back.
Once again it was a super scary drive home, but luckily it was only a short drive versus the longer one we had originally talked about.
We got home with enough time for her to play in the snow for a few minutes before bed. We have about 12 or more inches of snow with another 1-3 predicted over night.
As we tucked her into bed again, we offered another prayer of thanks.
I think she had a good day.
Saturday, March 23, 2013
5k and Half Marathon
Today in the super cold 35 degree weather I ran a 5K. I hadn't run outside since November and I haven't worked out in over a month. I finished in 42 minutes, and walked the whole thing. It wasn't my best time and I'm not thrilled about it, but at least I finished before 45 minutes and I did it.
Chris ran his first half marathon and finished in 1 hour and 47 minutes. He did great and I'm so proud of him. He has another one that he is running in two weeks and he is hoping to shave a few minutes off his already great time.
Chris ran his first half marathon and finished in 1 hour and 47 minutes. He did great and I'm so proud of him. He has another one that he is running in two weeks and he is hoping to shave a few minutes off his already great time.
Friday, March 22, 2013
Last Month in Review
This last month has been so crazy busy. I have spent every Saturday in March over at the new daycare getting it ready to open. I have been over at the new daycare at least two days a week for inspections or other little things.
Jenni was out sick for all of February, and first part of March.
Colin had another bronchoscopy that showed fluid and bacteria in his lungs. So we are back to square one on figuring out what is wrong with him and how to fix it. We go for more blood work and testing next week.
Everyone has been sick at least once, some more than once in the last month.
Winter doesn't seem to want to end.
Things are moving forward, things are going good. Just busy.
Going to try harder to keep up.
Jenni was out sick for all of February, and first part of March.
Colin had another bronchoscopy that showed fluid and bacteria in his lungs. So we are back to square one on figuring out what is wrong with him and how to fix it. We go for more blood work and testing next week.
Everyone has been sick at least once, some more than once in the last month.
Winter doesn't seem to want to end.
Things are moving forward, things are going good. Just busy.
Going to try harder to keep up.
Sunday, February 17, 2013
Family Music Night
Tonight after dinner we got out the musical instruments. Colin's favorite was the drum. He would bang on the drum with the biggest smile on his face. While he was playing the drum he would want Chris and I to make music with our instruments (a tambourine and some little egg marricas). Alyssa would join in the fun every so often, or get out her microphone and sing a song. She also had pretend cupcakes out so we would take turns singing happy birthday to each other.
At one point Alyssa got up and marched around banging the drum while we all sat, watched and cheered.
After a few crazy busy weeks it was really nice to have a Sunday where there weren't any pressing issues that had to be taken care of, and we could enjoy church, a luncheon, a bake sale auction, a movie and family time.
At one point Alyssa got up and marched around banging the drum while we all sat, watched and cheered.
After a few crazy busy weeks it was really nice to have a Sunday where there weren't any pressing issues that had to be taken care of, and we could enjoy church, a luncheon, a bake sale auction, a movie and family time.
Monday, February 11, 2013
Birthday Party
We held Alyssa's birthday party on Saturday. It was at a local bounce house. We invited most of the daycare kids and some of her friends from church. It turned out to be about 11 kids when it was all said and done. The party lasted 2 hours and for about 1 hour and 45 minutes of that the kids were running from one bounce thing to another.
They all had a blast. Alyssa loved laughing and running around with her friends. I will post pictures soon.
They all had a blast. Alyssa loved laughing and running around with her friends. I will post pictures soon.
Dear Alyssa (4 year old edition)
Dear Alyssa,
You have turned 4. That means you are starting your 5th year on this earth! I can't believe it. You are growing up so fast. When I think about the last year as a whole it doesn't seem like you have changed that much. But when I start to think about small things and look at pictures I realize you have changed so much. Your vocabulary now is HUGE. You have so much to say, and are usually so happy.
You have stopped taking naps and so going to bed for you is easier than ever. You are asleep within minutes of laying down.
You know how to spell your first and last name, you know the city and state you live in, your birthday, all your letters and some of your numbers.
You are the best big sister anyone could ask for. You look out for your brother and are almost always willing to share with him even when we don't ask you to share with him. You love your brother and though you do have some fights you spend more time laughing and playing with him.
At church you now go to Sunday school and sometimes go to JAM instead of the nursery. You love Sunday School and look forward to it.
For swim you are now in the most advance class for your age. You can swim the length of the pool. When swimming freestyle it takes you almost 2 minutes to get across the pool, but when you swim on your back you are across the pool in less than a minute. You can tread water and love to jump off the diving board. You are getting better with your diving and can dive on your own, though you sometimes flip versus diving because you tuck yourself too much.
You have become more of a picky eater but one of your absolute favorite foods right now is broccoli and cheese soup. Whenever you get the chance to pick what to eat it is always broccoli and cheese soup.
Your best friend is Madelyn. Every morning you ask if she is coming today and the smile on your face when she arrives is awesome. The two of you play all day together and seems to have always have a new game to play.
Alyssa you are one of the best things to ever happen to your daddy and me. I love you more than you will ever know.
I look forward to seeing how you grow and change over the next year.
You have turned 4. That means you are starting your 5th year on this earth! I can't believe it. You are growing up so fast. When I think about the last year as a whole it doesn't seem like you have changed that much. But when I start to think about small things and look at pictures I realize you have changed so much. Your vocabulary now is HUGE. You have so much to say, and are usually so happy.
You have stopped taking naps and so going to bed for you is easier than ever. You are asleep within minutes of laying down.
You know how to spell your first and last name, you know the city and state you live in, your birthday, all your letters and some of your numbers.
You are the best big sister anyone could ask for. You look out for your brother and are almost always willing to share with him even when we don't ask you to share with him. You love your brother and though you do have some fights you spend more time laughing and playing with him.
At church you now go to Sunday school and sometimes go to JAM instead of the nursery. You love Sunday School and look forward to it.
For swim you are now in the most advance class for your age. You can swim the length of the pool. When swimming freestyle it takes you almost 2 minutes to get across the pool, but when you swim on your back you are across the pool in less than a minute. You can tread water and love to jump off the diving board. You are getting better with your diving and can dive on your own, though you sometimes flip versus diving because you tuck yourself too much.
You have become more of a picky eater but one of your absolute favorite foods right now is broccoli and cheese soup. Whenever you get the chance to pick what to eat it is always broccoli and cheese soup.
Your best friend is Madelyn. Every morning you ask if she is coming today and the smile on your face when she arrives is awesome. The two of you play all day together and seems to have always have a new game to play.
Alyssa you are one of the best things to ever happen to your daddy and me. I love you more than you will ever know.
I look forward to seeing how you grow and change over the next year.
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
Alyssa 4 year old interview
What is your favorite color? Purple
What is your favorite toy? Barbies
What is your favorite fruit? corn
What is your favorite tv show? Princesses
What is your favorite thing to eat for lunch? some chicken nuggets (really it is fish sticks or shrimp)
What is your favorite outfit? A dress
What is your favorite game? Dance party
What is your favorite snack? Teddy Grams ( really cheese itz or chex mix)
What is your favorite animal? Giraffee
What is your favorite song? Mary Has a Little Lamb
What is your favorite book? Princesses
Who is your best friend? Maddelyn
What is your favorite cereal? Captian Crunch
What is your favorite thing to do outside? Play in the snow
What is your favorite drink? Apple Juice
What is your favorite holiday? Christmas
What do you like to take to bed with you at night? my blankets
What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast? Some oatmeal
What do you want for dinner on your birthday? Shrimp
What do you want to be when you grow up? A mommy.
What is your favorite toy? Barbies
What is your favorite fruit? corn
What is your favorite tv show? Princesses
What is your favorite thing to eat for lunch? some chicken nuggets (really it is fish sticks or shrimp)
What is your favorite outfit? A dress
What is your favorite game? Dance party
What is your favorite snack? Teddy Grams ( really cheese itz or chex mix)
What is your favorite animal? Giraffee
What is your favorite song? Mary Has a Little Lamb
What is your favorite book? Princesses
Who is your best friend? Maddelyn
What is your favorite cereal? Captian Crunch
What is your favorite thing to do outside? Play in the snow
What is your favorite drink? Apple Juice
What is your favorite holiday? Christmas
What do you like to take to bed with you at night? my blankets
What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast? Some oatmeal
What do you want for dinner on your birthday? Shrimp
What do you want to be when you grow up? A mommy.
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Last night I walked 3 miles in 42 minutes. It is my first 3 miles towards training for a 50 mile walk at the end of May. Before I did the walk I did an hour of Zumba. By the time I came home I had a blister on my foot.
I did Zumba again tonight and now the blister is bigger. I'm not looking forward to doing Zumba and walking another 3 miles on the blister tomorrow.
Now back to this 50 mile walk. I say I'm going to do it. I have started to train for it, yet I can't get myself to go sign up for it. I think there are two things holding me back. 1. is that I have to raise $1,000. That is a lot of money and I hate asking people for money. 2. I have someone who says they are going to do it with me, yet they can only manage about 8 minutes walking/eliptical right now. While you can train and work up, we only have about 17 weeks. (That sounds like a lot but it really isn't that much). 3. I'm in the middle of opening a new daycare and that is taking a lot of time and energy and I don't want to stress about training/ working at the daycare to get it open.
I have until March 15 to sign up for the walk at the price it is now. So for now I will train and see how things go for the next month and a half. On March 14 I will make my decision.
I did Zumba again tonight and now the blister is bigger. I'm not looking forward to doing Zumba and walking another 3 miles on the blister tomorrow.
Now back to this 50 mile walk. I say I'm going to do it. I have started to train for it, yet I can't get myself to go sign up for it. I think there are two things holding me back. 1. is that I have to raise $1,000. That is a lot of money and I hate asking people for money. 2. I have someone who says they are going to do it with me, yet they can only manage about 8 minutes walking/eliptical right now. While you can train and work up, we only have about 17 weeks. (That sounds like a lot but it really isn't that much). 3. I'm in the middle of opening a new daycare and that is taking a lot of time and energy and I don't want to stress about training/ working at the daycare to get it open.
I have until March 15 to sign up for the walk at the price it is now. So for now I will train and see how things go for the next month and a half. On March 14 I will make my decision.
Sunday, January 27, 2013
The same, yet different
I have written 1 post since the new year. The month of January is almost over. Really the days have been super busy with normal day to day activities. By the time I sit down at night I really don't have the energy to type a blog. I also really don't have anything to say.
I was sick this week. I had strep and a sinus infection. We did interviews for the new daycare. The kids played and went to bed like normal.
We are starting to learn to live without Vinnie. Colin still asks about him at least once a day. Today was the first time I walked into the house not expecting him to be there to greet us. And once I realized I didn't expect it, it made me sad. I still look for him every time I walk into my room upstairs. I wait for his head to peek out from under the covers. I still expect to find him sitting in my rocking chair when I go to sit down. I still really miss him.
The kids go to see the pulmonary doctor on Friday and I'm interested to see how he feels the kids have been doing. Alyssa hasn't seen him in almost a year. She really seems to be on a good track. Colin fought off the flu and a pretty nasty cold without getting pneumonia. These are all things that make me cheer but I'm not ready to say Colin is out of the woods yet.
My goal for right now is going to be to put a blog out once a week. Keep things updated so that I don't look back and regret missing out on the "normal" everyday activities.
I was sick this week. I had strep and a sinus infection. We did interviews for the new daycare. The kids played and went to bed like normal.
We are starting to learn to live without Vinnie. Colin still asks about him at least once a day. Today was the first time I walked into the house not expecting him to be there to greet us. And once I realized I didn't expect it, it made me sad. I still look for him every time I walk into my room upstairs. I wait for his head to peek out from under the covers. I still expect to find him sitting in my rocking chair when I go to sit down. I still really miss him.
The kids go to see the pulmonary doctor on Friday and I'm interested to see how he feels the kids have been doing. Alyssa hasn't seen him in almost a year. She really seems to be on a good track. Colin fought off the flu and a pretty nasty cold without getting pneumonia. These are all things that make me cheer but I'm not ready to say Colin is out of the woods yet.
My goal for right now is going to be to put a blog out once a week. Keep things updated so that I don't look back and regret missing out on the "normal" everyday activities.
Monday, January 14, 2013
Man this is a horrible post to start off the new year with....
Tonight we had to put Vinnie down. He first got sick in August. After about a month of doctor's and specialist we figured out he had arthritis. We seemed to get it under control for awhile then it came back harder and so we did new medicine.
He got better for awhile. Not perfect but better. Then about 3 weeks ago he started to get really sick again. After struggling through tests and a few different medicines today we decided that it was time to end the fight.
I spent the day snuggling him and petting him, telling him how much I loved him and what a wonderful dog he was. Sure he had his annoying habits, but he was the best dog for a daycare. He never once, not even when he was in pain, snap, growl, or try to bite at anyone.
I will miss that little dog and I know the kids will too. RIP Vinnie. May you find some warm blankets and sunshine to bask in free from all pain.
Tonight we had to put Vinnie down. He first got sick in August. After about a month of doctor's and specialist we figured out he had arthritis. We seemed to get it under control for awhile then it came back harder and so we did new medicine.
I spent the day snuggling him and petting him, telling him how much I loved him and what a wonderful dog he was. Sure he had his annoying habits, but he was the best dog for a daycare. He never once, not even when he was in pain, snap, growl, or try to bite at anyone.
I will miss that little dog and I know the kids will too. RIP Vinnie. May you find some warm blankets and sunshine to bask in free from all pain.
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