Happy Easter!
The day started off with Alyssa waking up at 6:30. She came in and cuddled with us for a bit. Chris and I both got showers in before Colin woke up a little after 7.
We came downstairs and the kids got to look through their Easter Baskets. This year they got two, one from the Easter Bunny and one from Grandpa and Nana. They thought that was awesome.

We then let Alyssa search for her eggs while Colin was playing with a toy from his basket. All of Alyssa's eggs were hidden in the TV room. After she had found all her eggs, she then started to open and look at them while Colin got to go search for all his eggs in the front room. After every egg he found he would state, "No more eggs" and we would have to encourage him to look for more.

After all eggs had been found and opened I started breakfast of pancakes and sausage, Chris also cooked some eggs and we had some doughnuts as well.
After breakfast we got dressed for church and took pictures.
We then grabbed our now empty Easter baskets and headed to church for another egg hunt. They had to do it inside, since the outside was too wet and muddy. The kids had a blast, and while shy at first they both got into looking for the eggs.

After church we came home and ate lunch, and then headed over to Chris' parents house where the kids got to play outside for a little bit. Then it was time for another egg hunt. This time Alyssa had her older cousin on her side helping her find eggs and she walked away with over $15 in cash from the eggs with money.
We then had dinner, and headed home.

The kids were exhausted and didn't put up a fight about watching a little TV and then going to bed just a little on the early side.
I think they enjoyed their Easter and they have plenty of candy to last a long while.
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