I found out Disney was doing another show in St. Louis about 4 months ago and bought tickets. We didn't tell Alyssa till about a week ago. She was THRILLED to see another Disney on Ice show.
This morning we woke up to snow, with lots more expected through out the day. Chris and I started talking about how to get to the show, while trying to stay safe. We were trying to find the closest metrolink to our house. While doing this search I came across the idea of taking Amtrak from Alton to St. Louis. The Amtrak location is less than 10 miles from our house and the station in St. Louis was less than 2 blocks from where the show was. So I bought us tickets for the train.
We then went to church where the snow started to pick up and we had to break the news to Alyssa that they might cancel Disney on Ice. This made her very sad and she wanted to pray about it. So she asked Chris to say a prayer with her. He said one asking God to keep us safe and that we would be able to see the show. A few minutes later she asked me to say one with her, and so I did.
After our prayers we explained to her that sometimes God answers our prayers and sometimes he doesn't.
Church was canceled and Alyssa and I headed to the Amtrak station with Chris on watch for cancellations of the show.
Luckily they did not cancel the show, and besides the super scary drive to the Amtrak station and some wet feet on the walk to the show it was great.
Once we got into the show and found our seats, Alyssa asked that I help her say a prayer to Thank God for letting the show go on. So we did. Then, Alyssa sat in my lap the whole show, she didn't move. She loved all the action and really got into it all.
After it was over we had almost a 2 hour wait before our return train home. She was perfect the whole wait and didn't complain once.
We got back on the train took off her shoes and socks (just like we did for the entire show. Her feet got soaked from the walk). She sat and enjoyed the ride back.
Once again it was a super scary drive home, but luckily it was only a short drive versus the longer one we had originally talked about.
We got home with enough time for her to play in the snow for a few minutes before bed. We have about 12 or more inches of snow with another 1-3 predicted over night.
As we tucked her into bed again, we offered another prayer of thanks.
I think she had a good day.