Alyssa is 5 days away from turning 5! Where has the time gone?! She is becoming such a big girl. The other night we were sitting down to read books before bed and I looked at both my kids and thought, "How in the world do I have kids this big?!" Sometimes it seems so unreal that I can actually have an almost 5 year old.
I truly can't imagine my life without her.
I love that I can have a conversation with her, and she has so much knowledge. A few nights ago at the dinner table she was informing us about what a habitat is and how she was going to build one.
She also comes up with some of the best stories. Right now she has a story every day about something that happened at school or with her friends. Her stories always have lots of detail and exaggerated details.
She knows when I'm sad and will be the first one to come and snuggle with me. Last night I asked her if I could have some snuggles and she said "yes but only for a few minutes because I have to go play". She makes sure I get a kiss in the morning and at night before bed.
She also loves her brother with a passion. Tonight in the car we were driving home and this is the conversation that happened:
We passed a church that had the lights on the steps on
Alyssa: The place to get married has its lights on
Me: Yep, it looks really pretty.
Alyssa: I'm going to get married there. Is that where you got married mom?
Me: No, I got married at the Lake
A: Did you have to take a boat there?
Me: No we drove a car
A: A car with all your wedding stuff in it?
Me: Yes
A: Like your wedding dress?
Me: Yes
A: And your flowers?
Me: Yes
A: Mommy, when I get married can I borrow your wedding dress?
Me: I would love to let you borrow my dress or part of my dress, but we will talk about that when it gets closer.
A: I want the whole dress, do you know where it is?
Me: Yes it is down in the basement
A: Where in the basement?
Me: On the shelves
A: Where is that?
Me: In the basement on the shelves.
A: OK, you can show me. I was going to marry William, but then Colin got mad and said I was his "Issa" and so I told William I can't marry him because Colin loves me. Hey, Colin do you love me?
Colin: Yep!
A: So now I have to marry Colin because he loves me. Hey Colin do you love me even when I fart?
Colin: Yes
A: Okay good cause I fart now and will fart when I'm a grown up.
And that was the end of the conversation. Probably only because it was time to get out of the car.
My baby girl is growing up and while right now I know when she talks about getting married I know she really has no idea what it is all about and I have plenty of time, but I also know how I thought I had plenty of time before she started school, and now we are only 6 months away!
Wow, just wow!
All about the joys of running my own business while being the best mother I can be to my children
Friday, January 31, 2014
Answers Coming?
Colin was referred to a new pulmonologist in early January. After waiting for almost a week to hear from them I called the office and made an appointment, it was set for April 4. I was frustrated with the long wait, but figured there wasn't much I could do.
We went for a swallow study on Jan 17 and his swallow was "perfect" so they suggested I call the referring doctor and see if he could pull some strings to move the appointment up. I called and they told me there wasn't much that they could do but put me on the cancellation list.
The following Wednesday I got a call asking if I could come in that Friday for an appointment. I said yes! So on Friday Jan 24 we met with the new doctor. I really liked her and even though she walked into the appointment about 15 minutes late, she came in with print outs from Colin's history and took over a page of notes while talking to us.
She asked a lot of questions and wants to do some more tests to rule out/in a few more things. So we left with 3 more tests to schedule and she wanted a follow up in 4-6 weeks. I told her that was fine but I highly doubted we would get all the testing done in 4-6 weeks.
So on Tuesday I started calling to set up the testing. We got the CT scan scheduled for Tuesday Feb. 4. The sleep study when I called the first available was April 2. I said I would take it but to once again put us on the list for cancellations. The next day I got a call and asked if we could come in that night. So we already have the sleep study done.
The last test she wanted was another swallow study, but after talking to the therapy department they said that insurance won't cover another test at this time. So with the help of the parish nurse at our church I found a speech pathologist that specializes in swallowing. I have an appointment with her on Feb 14.
We then have our follow up with the pulmonary doctor on March 14. After almost 3 years of questions and no answers, I'm really hoping that maybe some of these new tests and people will be able to see something that someone else has missed and we can finally start helping Colin.
Colin also has a hearing test and sees the ENT on Feb 5. I'm guessing she is going to want another bronchoscopy because he has been so sick since Dec 20. I guess it will all depend on the results of the CT scan and what the hearing test and his lungs sound like next week.
We went for a swallow study on Jan 17 and his swallow was "perfect" so they suggested I call the referring doctor and see if he could pull some strings to move the appointment up. I called and they told me there wasn't much that they could do but put me on the cancellation list.
The following Wednesday I got a call asking if I could come in that Friday for an appointment. I said yes! So on Friday Jan 24 we met with the new doctor. I really liked her and even though she walked into the appointment about 15 minutes late, she came in with print outs from Colin's history and took over a page of notes while talking to us.
She asked a lot of questions and wants to do some more tests to rule out/in a few more things. So we left with 3 more tests to schedule and she wanted a follow up in 4-6 weeks. I told her that was fine but I highly doubted we would get all the testing done in 4-6 weeks.
So on Tuesday I started calling to set up the testing. We got the CT scan scheduled for Tuesday Feb. 4. The sleep study when I called the first available was April 2. I said I would take it but to once again put us on the list for cancellations. The next day I got a call and asked if we could come in that night. So we already have the sleep study done.
The last test she wanted was another swallow study, but after talking to the therapy department they said that insurance won't cover another test at this time. So with the help of the parish nurse at our church I found a speech pathologist that specializes in swallowing. I have an appointment with her on Feb 14.
We then have our follow up with the pulmonary doctor on March 14. After almost 3 years of questions and no answers, I'm really hoping that maybe some of these new tests and people will be able to see something that someone else has missed and we can finally start helping Colin.
Colin also has a hearing test and sees the ENT on Feb 5. I'm guessing she is going to want another bronchoscopy because he has been so sick since Dec 20. I guess it will all depend on the results of the CT scan and what the hearing test and his lungs sound like next week.
Friday, January 10, 2014
Colin's Appointment
Today we went to meet with Colin's doctor. We have seen this doctor since Colin was about 7 months old. He works closely with the pulmonology department and he treats many asthma patients a day, but he his title is really an immunologist and allergist. So at our appointment today I went in with a list of questions. I don't feel that Colin is any better since he repair surgery.
So during the appointment while asking my questions he tells us he thinks we should see a true pulmonologist.
Also asking questions about his swallow, he agrees seeing a speech would be a good idea.
So really the big point of the appointment was that we need to see two other doctors.
At times I really think we are starting to figure out Colin's issues and other times I feel like we are just driving in circles.
As we were leaving the hospital Colin said "Mommy we didn't go to the doctor room" When I asked him what he was talking about he said, "The place that you put on shoes, and mask and blue shirt.." He was talking about the OR room for his procedures.
That made me sad that he is starting to remember and worry about those things. As a barely three year old it isn't fair.
Next week we go for a swallow study. While I don't want anything to be wrong there is a big big part of me that wants something to show up with the results so we have a SOMETHING to go off of going forward.
So during the appointment while asking my questions he tells us he thinks we should see a true pulmonologist.
Also asking questions about his swallow, he agrees seeing a speech would be a good idea.
So really the big point of the appointment was that we need to see two other doctors.
At times I really think we are starting to figure out Colin's issues and other times I feel like we are just driving in circles.
As we were leaving the hospital Colin said "Mommy we didn't go to the doctor room" When I asked him what he was talking about he said, "The place that you put on shoes, and mask and blue shirt.." He was talking about the OR room for his procedures.
That made me sad that he is starting to remember and worry about those things. As a barely three year old it isn't fair.
Next week we go for a swallow study. While I don't want anything to be wrong there is a big big part of me that wants something to show up with the results so we have a SOMETHING to go off of going forward.
Tuesday, January 7, 2014
New Years Resolution
One of my new years resolutions was to start leaving work earlier and spending some more time at home with my kids.
Now granted I have only worked two days since the new year, but both those days I left about 4. It has been really nice to be at home and getting to enjoy the kids for a little bit before we have to start dinner and all the other things that the night holds.
I already feel more relaxed and less stress. It also helps to know we don't have state breathing down our neck every month. We have proven with 7 state visits that we are following the rules and I feel confident in how we are running the center.
This is a good feeling and one I haven't had in a long time. I hope I can continue it.
Tonight Alyssa was so cuddly and kept coming up to me and giving me a hug or a kiss and telling me she loved me. I think that having a little more time at home is good for her too.
Now granted I have only worked two days since the new year, but both those days I left about 4. It has been really nice to be at home and getting to enjoy the kids for a little bit before we have to start dinner and all the other things that the night holds.
I already feel more relaxed and less stress. It also helps to know we don't have state breathing down our neck every month. We have proven with 7 state visits that we are following the rules and I feel confident in how we are running the center.
This is a good feeling and one I haven't had in a long time. I hope I can continue it.
Tonight Alyssa was so cuddly and kept coming up to me and giving me a hug or a kiss and telling me she loved me. I think that having a little more time at home is good for her too.
Monday, January 6, 2014
Xbox 360
Chris has had an xbox for ever. Before kids he used to play it all the time. Then we had kids and he rarely played it. We got the kinect and we played with it for awhile then it started to collect dust again.

For Christmas Chris got a new racing game. On Saturday he got it out and started to play it. Colin got really involved and watched him. I suggested the Chris give him the other remote that doesn't have a battery in it and let him "play"
If Chris leans back, so does Colin, Colin repeats the GPS and encourages Chris to hit signs and other things.

So every day since Saturday Colin and Chris have sat on the couch playing this game. Colin pushes the buttons on his remote and Chris does all the real work, but once the race is over they fist bump and cheer. It is really cute to watch.
I'm sure at some point Colin will figure out that he really isn't playing the game, but until then it is really fun to listen the conversations and interactions between the two.If Chris leans back, so does Colin, Colin repeats the GPS and encourages Chris to hit signs and other things.
Sunday, January 5, 2014
Snow Day
Tomorrow I will have my first official snow day in 4 years! When I was working in the schools I loved snow days. What I loved even more was when they called it the night before and then I knew I could sleep in the next morning.
Once I quit teaching snow days were a thing of the past. Now I own a center and I had to make the call to stay open or close tomorrow. After weighing the pros and cons and talking to a fair amount of the parents in the daycare, and talking to my co owner we decided to close.
I am looking forward to a day at home with no responsibilities, ohh wait, I have two young kids who will still need to be entertained all day tomorrow and it will be up to -30 outside so going outside to play in the snow will be out of the question.
Still looking forward to a day off. Hopefully by the end of tomorrow I won't be sick anymore and work on Tuesday will be good.
Once I quit teaching snow days were a thing of the past. Now I own a center and I had to make the call to stay open or close tomorrow. After weighing the pros and cons and talking to a fair amount of the parents in the daycare, and talking to my co owner we decided to close.
I am looking forward to a day at home with no responsibilities, ohh wait, I have two young kids who will still need to be entertained all day tomorrow and it will be up to -30 outside so going outside to play in the snow will be out of the question.
Still looking forward to a day off. Hopefully by the end of tomorrow I won't be sick anymore and work on Tuesday will be good.
Friday, January 3, 2014
Hello Flu, Goodbye Flu
I'm 99% sure I have the flu. I have had a fever of up to 102 for the last three days, chills, body aches, super tight chest and throat on fire. Today my nose has started running.
I got the flu last year too. Last year it only lasted about 36 hours and I was just achy and feverish. This year it has hit me super hard. Probably because of the c diff I'm still recovering from. The c diff knocked everything good out of my body and my body is at an all time low. So catching the flu seemed like a good idea obviously. Well it has plagued me for 3 days now so it needs to GO AWAY.
I am SO SO SO SO grateful for Chris. I don't know what I would of done without him for the last three weeks. He has taken over so much of the care for the kids so I can work on getting myself back to normal. The kids have also been fantastic. Today I was so sick, but they came home with me and got themselves a snack, some toys and I turned on the TV and they played quietly, watching tv for two hours until Chris got home. Alyssa really tries to take care of me. She is good at refilling my water and bringing me things that I need. Colin will snuggle with me "to make me feel better". I am a very lucky girl to have so many good people taking care of me! But now the flu can LEAVE!!
I got the flu last year too. Last year it only lasted about 36 hours and I was just achy and feverish. This year it has hit me super hard. Probably because of the c diff I'm still recovering from. The c diff knocked everything good out of my body and my body is at an all time low. So catching the flu seemed like a good idea obviously. Well it has plagued me for 3 days now so it needs to GO AWAY.
I am SO SO SO SO grateful for Chris. I don't know what I would of done without him for the last three weeks. He has taken over so much of the care for the kids so I can work on getting myself back to normal. The kids have also been fantastic. Today I was so sick, but they came home with me and got themselves a snack, some toys and I turned on the TV and they played quietly, watching tv for two hours until Chris got home. Alyssa really tries to take care of me. She is good at refilling my water and bringing me things that I need. Colin will snuggle with me "to make me feel better". I am a very lucky girl to have so many good people taking care of me! But now the flu can LEAVE!!
Wednesday, January 1, 2014
2014 It seems that each year just goes faster than the year before. I have spent the last 40 minutes going through my blog for the last year. I'm disappointed that I only have 38 posts to show for 2013. Usually I have a little over 100. So last 3 I put out 3 new years resolutions and was able to keep two, so I thought I would try 3 again this year.
1. Start letting work things stay at work and work no more than 10 hours a day.
2. Get Colin and my health under control. We have both had major health issues and this is the year to find a way with living with our illnesses and how to keep us the best we can be.
3. Make time for this blog. I miss reading about the small things that go on in our life. I want to have a place to look back and see the joy my kids and family have brought me.
I hope everyone has a great 2014!
1. Start letting work things stay at work and work no more than 10 hours a day.
2. Get Colin and my health under control. We have both had major health issues and this is the year to find a way with living with our illnesses and how to keep us the best we can be.
3. Make time for this blog. I miss reading about the small things that go on in our life. I want to have a place to look back and see the joy my kids and family have brought me.
I hope everyone has a great 2014!
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