Alyssa is 5 days away from turning 5! Where has the time gone?! She is becoming such a big girl. The other night we were sitting down to read books before bed and I looked at both my kids and thought, "How in the world do I have kids this big?!" Sometimes it seems so unreal that I can actually have an almost 5 year old.
I truly can't imagine my life without her.
I love that I can have a conversation with her, and she has so much knowledge. A few nights ago at the dinner table she was informing us about what a habitat is and how she was going to build one.
She also comes up with some of the best stories. Right now she has a story every day about something that happened at school or with her friends. Her stories always have lots of detail and exaggerated details.
She knows when I'm sad and will be the first one to come and snuggle with me. Last night I asked her if I could have some snuggles and she said "yes but only for a few minutes because I have to go play". She makes sure I get a kiss in the morning and at night before bed.
She also loves her brother with a passion. Tonight in the car we were driving home and this is the conversation that happened:
We passed a church that had the lights on the steps on
Alyssa: The place to get married has its lights on
Me: Yep, it looks really pretty.
Alyssa: I'm going to get married there. Is that where you got married mom?
Me: No, I got married at the Lake
A: Did you have to take a boat there?
Me: No we drove a car
A: A car with all your wedding stuff in it?
Me: Yes
A: Like your wedding dress?
Me: Yes
A: And your flowers?
Me: Yes
A: Mommy, when I get married can I borrow your wedding dress?
Me: I would love to let you borrow my dress or part of my dress, but we will talk about that when it gets closer.
A: I want the whole dress, do you know where it is?
Me: Yes it is down in the basement
A: Where in the basement?
Me: On the shelves
A: Where is that?
Me: In the basement on the shelves.
A: OK, you can show me. I was going to marry William, but then Colin got mad and said I was his "Issa" and so I told William I can't marry him because Colin loves me. Hey, Colin do you love me?
Colin: Yep!
A: So now I have to marry Colin because he loves me. Hey Colin do you love me even when I fart?
Colin: Yes
A: Okay good cause I fart now and will fart when I'm a grown up.
And that was the end of the conversation. Probably only because it was time to get out of the car.
My baby girl is growing up and while right now I know when she talks about getting married I know she really has no idea what it is all about and I have plenty of time, but I also know how I thought I had plenty of time before she started school, and now we are only 6 months away!
Wow, just wow!
That has made me laugh out loud!