It was a beautiful day here! We got up, the kids came downstairs and looked through their Easter baskets, then went searching for eggs.

When then let them play a bit, and then got ready for church. Since it was Easter Sunday there were a lot more people at church and as I looked around at all the little kids I told Chris I would really like to keep the kids with us versus sending them to the nursery. I said this for two reasons, one I knew that one of the regular ladies was out and usually that means if they need help I have to stay and I wanted to hear the sermon, and two because Colin has been relatively healthy lately and I really didn't want him exposed to more germs than he had to. The kids did great. During children's time the pastor turned on music and encouraged the kids and other people to dance. Colin stood up and started to cry. I had to go up and rescue him. He just kept saying "I don't want to dance". Alyssa stayed up there and danced and when the music stopped and the kids sat back down Colin went back to join them.
They did really well for the rest of the service. Colin got a little restless towards the end but still he was really good.

We then walked home from church (we walked there as well). We had a snack and then left to pick up food and head to Judy and Chas house. We had a nice sit down family dinner and then the kids got to search for more eggs. This year it was only Alyssa and Colin searching for eggs. They had about 100 eggs to find. They had a blast but got WAY too much candy and money.
After that we had some cake to celebrate Becca's birthday and mine.

I love that the kids get along so well with their cousins. It is nice that they can all go off and play while the adults sit around and talk. They are building the relationships I dreamed about before they were even born.
We then came home and went for a walk as a family. It was then time for a short tv program, baths and bed.
It was a really good Easter and we really enjoyed the weather and each other's company.
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