Thursday, August 18, 2016

Kindergarten and Second Grade

Today Colin started Kindergarten. Up until about 3 weeks ago he was super excited, then he got nervous. We had meet the teacher night on Tuesday and he seemed to relax a little. Today he went to school and left with his teacher without any tears.
  I then got a call from the school nurse about 1pm. Colin was in the nurses office for the second time. This time he had thrown up in the hallway and was crying. I talked to the nurse for a minute and then she put him on the phone. He was crying. It took everything I had to not cry on the phone. I was able to stay strong and calm him down. I told him he would be okay, that there was only about an hour left of school and he would then get to come to daycare and see me.
   It was probably one of the harder things I have ever done as a mom. The mom in me wanted to run out the door and go pick him up and hug him. but the educator in me knew that he needed to stay at school or tomorrow would be worse.
   He was able to go the rest of the day and came to daycare on the bus. He came in and gave me the biggest hug ever. He told me that his teacher was nice but that he wasn't going back to school tomorrow.
   He has helped me pack his lunch for tomorrow, but we will see what the morning brings.

Alyssa started Second grade (WHERE DOES THE TIME GO?!?!) it is at the same school she was at last year (not the school Colin is at.) She had a fantastic first day. With her being in the gifted program it helps because it is the same group of kids from last year, only a new teacher. She also got off the bus and gave me a hug, but it was more a forced hug and she was off to go back to her classroom to be with her friends.

I knew Kindergarten was going to be harder for Colin than Alyssa but I didn't think today would end like it did. Hopefully things look up for him from here.

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