I told you there was going to be memories this week. One year ago today I had my last doctor's appointment though I didn't know it at the time. Chris decided to go with me since I had been on bed rest for the week. We met at the doctor's office. I gave my normal pee sample and waited for the doctor.
I was talking about going back to work on Thursday to try to wrap up some odds and ends and hopefully be ready to have the baby by Monday.
The doctor walks in and told me that my blood pressure was still really high. I told him I was still a little swollen but much better than I was on Monday when I was at Labor and Delivery. He called out to the nurse to find out if I had protein in my urine. We listened to Alyssa's heart rate and then he checked to see if I was dilated at all. I was only a half cm. Then he said "Well I will do this here so it will save us time when we go over there" (I don't think I will ever forget those words) Chris and I looked at each other shocked and scared. As the doctor was listening to my heart and lungs. Just as he finishes that the nurse comes in and says that my urine is clean. At that point he decides that we don't have to induce that night. He was going to go talk to the nurse to set up an induction date and as long as the NST (Non-stress test) came back normal we could go home for the night and come back for another appointment on Friday.
So we go and he hooks me up to monitors to measure Alyssa's heart rate, and to see if I was having any contractions. I was having small contractions but nothing regular or strong and her heart rate was great. As we were doing the test (it took 30 minutes). A nurse comes in and tells us we are set up for an induction at 11 am on Sunday. We also had a 10 o clock appointment for Friday.
After the test was over Chris and I went to Buffalo Wild Wings and talked about how our baby would be here very soon. We were both excited and very nervous. We decided that Chris would take Friday off and after my appointment we would go to the zoo and walk around. Little did we know we would never make it to the zoo.
More to come on Saturday.
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