Last night I was feeling sappy and wrote Chris a nice letter on what an amazing husband and father he was. How I love watching him play with the kids and that he gave me the best Valentines present two years ago when Alyssa was born. It was really sweet and nice. Then my internet crashed before I could post it and so it never go posted (and no I didn't hit save before it crashed).
So tonight I was going to re-write it but I don't feel as sappy tonight, so it just doesn't feel right. But I will write part of what I wrote.
Dear Chris,
I guess Chris will just have to know that I appreciate all he does for our family on a daily basis from going to work to helping with kids and chores. I read about all these dead beat dads on facebook and other sites and it just makes me cherish my husband even more. He is a wonderful amazing husband and dad.
I love to watch Alyssa's face light up when he gets home. She will hear the garage and look at me and say "hide, hide" then she will run away from the door, but the second the door opens she is running to him.
Chris takes very good care of me and our kids and I couldn't ask for a better husband. I am very lucky to have found such a man.
I can't believe we have been married almost 7 years and they have been wonderful. I can't wait to see what the next 7 and beyond bring.
I love you honey and THANK YOU for taking care of us.
Dear Shannon,
ReplyDeleteI hope you don't mind that I use this blog to write your husband a letter.
Dear Chris,
First I loved you for the person you were. Then I loved you for the way you loved my daughter. Then I loved you for the way YOU loved YOUR daughter. Now I love you for the way you love your family. And I love you for the way you put up with this kooky mother-in-law. You are an amazing and wonderful man. Know that I also love you so very much.
Your kooky mother in law,