Dear Colin,
You are three months old now. I can't believe how big you are getting. You are wearing 3-6 month clothes and have been for a few weeks. You weigh almost 15 lbs and are very long.
You love to smile and laugh. We don't get the full laugh very often but when we do it is awesome! When your sister walks by you get an even bigger smile on your face and stare at her. You also love bath time. You can be crying your head off but as soon as we put you in the bath and start pouring water over you, you are are smiles. When we take you out of the water you start to cry again.
You are very close to rolling over, but have not done it yet. You love to see what is going on everywhere and so you spend a lot of time in your bouncy or the exersaucer so that you can see what is going on.
We have started a bed time routine with you. You get to eat while your sister is getting her breathing treatment then you get wrapped up and put down about the same time as your sister. You then usually sleep until about midnight or 1 when you wake up to eat and go straight back to sleep. Then you are up again about 3-4 to eat again and right back to sleep. You are up for the day about 5:30 or a little after most days. I don't mind too much because it gives us some time with you before your sister gets up.
I am so very grateful that I get to spend all day with you and I can't be happier with my job.
Colin you are growing so fast, and while I'm excited to see what you become and how you grow please don't grow up too fast.
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