You can sit up on your own and love to sit and play with toys and watch what is going on. You can roll but only do it in your bed or on my bed. I have seen you do it a few times on the floor but you don't do it often. If you fuss long enough you have found someone will bring you the toy then you don't have to roll. When on your stomach you will get your legs up under you and push up on your arms but I still think you are a few months away from crawling.
For almost a week now you have been sleeping through the night. You go to bed about 7:30 and sleep until sometime in the 4 o clock hour then you wake up eat really quick and go back to sleep until a little after 6. I LOVE it. It is so nice to get to sleep through the night.
For food you are eating between 1.5 and 2 jars of food a day. You like almost everything now. Your favorites are banana's and sweet potatos. You are on half formula and half breastmilk. You still don't care for formula all that much but will take it. Your breast milk you suck it down faster than a fire truck going to a fire.
You also love to be outside. You enjoy the nice weather and playing with dirt and other things that you find laying around out there.
We had to move you out of your baby car seat because you were just getting too big. You now have a big car seat like your sister and you enjoy sitting in it and looking out the window or watching your sister.
In the last month you took your first airplane ride to California. You did fantastic while out in California and the family loved getting to meet you.
You are still trying to get over the RSV and we still do at least two breathing treatments a day. You wake up in the morning coughing a lot but for the most part during the day you are okay, just breathing a little harder and faster. We have an appointment with a doctor on Sept. 8
Thank you for all your smiles and laughs.