(Thursday Morning) |
Colin got up from nap about 2:45 on Thursday and his eye was worse but no fever. I called the doctors office and of course she had left for the day so the nurse repeated what the doctor had said. In fact her words were "She said if it got worse or he ran a fever to go to the hospital. My advice would be to pack your bags and drive over there because I don't think you are coming home tonight."
By the time all this had happened it was 3:30 and it had been snowing off and on all day so the roads were icy and I knew that it would take me probably close to 2 hours to get to the hospital because I would hit all the people leaving work early. So I decided that we would stay home, eat dinner, give Colin a bath and then head to the hospital.
We left for the hospital at 6pm. Chris drove his car and stopped at his parents and dropped Alyssa off for a sleepover. I started off for the hospital. I checked in at 7:15. On the way to the hospital I called the after hours nurse line and asked that they paged Dr. Lindsay to let her know we were going to the hospital. They did and she called me back and told me that she called and personally talked to one of the doctors on the ER staff.
By 9pm they decided to admit him. And at about 10:30 we were taken up to our room. We were on the same floor that we were on the first time Colin was sick just a few rooms down. We were once again on isolation because his RSV swab hadn't come back and he had an unidentified infection in his eye.
At 4 the came in to do Colin's vitals and he was so cold that his temp didn't register on the thermometer thing they use. So she brought me some blankets to wrap him in. He refused to go back in his crib after the vitals and since he and I were so cold I sat up in a rocking chair holding him from 4 to 6:30. Finally at 6:30 I could not handle the pain in my legs and butt from holding and sitting funny in the rocking chair. It was also the time his IV medicine ended and the machine was beeping so when he started to wake up I let him.
(Friday Morning) |
The rounds got to our room about 8:30 (rounds means a group of about 15 people some doctors, some pharmacist, some specialist and some interns. An inter presents the case to the whole group, says what they think and then the senior doctor says what they think, anyone else can chime in and then the plan is given. They decided that since Colin's eye had made a HUGE improvement and his RSV swab had come back negative that they wanted to do one more dose of IV medicine and he could be released. The medicine were to be given at 1:15 and took an hour. I once again explained his doctors appointment. So they pushed his medicine to noon.
Today he is SOOO much better he is back to being a normal happy baby that he was a week ago. He is on the medicine for 7 days and we have to give it every 8 hours around the clock which means a 2am wake up to give meds, but I will take it to be home from the hospital.
On a side note we would have paid off his medical bills this month from his admission in April and his ER visit in Dec. but now we will start all over again.
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