Now with that also comes fights. Colin is really good at watching Alyssa figure out what she is playing with the most and then run over take it and run away. While he is running away he is laughing and Alyssa is screaming.
Colin is also starting to talk more, he says Hi, bye, ball, daddy, thank you, and tries really hard to say "Alyssa" sometimes you can understand it, other times you can't.
Colin got his hair cut this weekend for the second time he looks so grown up now. You can also tell he is growing up. On Saturday he let me cut his nails without throwing a fit. Then he sat without crying for his haircut. Also on Sunday he let people touch him at church without pulling away. These are some very big milestones for him. Now he just needs to lay still while we get him dressed and let me leave him in the nursery at church without crying.
Alyssa is growing up way to fast for me. She is a talking machine now and will talk non stop all day. She has stopped taking naps about 90% of the time so she goes down easily for bed, but makes for long days. She loves anything Princess and will talk about Princesses all day.
She is also very smart and listens to what people are saying around her. Today Chris and I were talking about where to go to eat for lunch and we decided on "The Pasta House" she kept telling us that she didn't want to eat at "Our House" we would explain we weren't eating at our house but she didn't fully understand.
She is also trying to figure out the meaning of church. Every night we read bible stories and talk about God and Jesus on a daily basis. On Sunday we were sitting in church before the service began and Alyssa asked where Jesus was. I told her I didn't know (she likes to ask questions she knows the answer to) where is Jesus? She said she didn't know. About a minute later she said "There's Jesus." Chris said "No Alyssa that is Pastor Don" she said "NO THAT'S JESUS" Chris said, "No that is Pastor Don, Jesus is up in the sky." She sighed really loudly then said "NO THAT'S JESUS RIGHT THERE" at this point the 3 couples that were sitting around us are laughing and Chris and I just said "Okay". She continued to call him Jesus all through the service and afterwards. We will see what happens next week.
I love my kids more than I ever imagined I could love someone or something. Watching them explore the world and see their excitement, feel their hugs and hear "I love you" is more than I could ever ask for. I know for a fact that I was meant to be a mom.
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