Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Sick Again

Colin doesn't like to just get a cold. He has to make sure that he has something extreme and crazy! This morning he woke up crabby and whiny. This is the way he has been for 3 days so I decided to call the doctor and see if they could get him an appointment.
We went in at 10:50, I figured they were going to say it was just a cold and to ride it out, but went anyways. So after she listens to him she orders a breathing treatment. After the treatment she listens to him again and orders a chest x-ray. The chest x-ray came back fine so she determined he had RSV again and that I was to take him home, watch for fast breathing and all the other things that can make RSV dangerous.
I finally leave the doctor's office at 12:25. I bring Colin home, he falls asleep in the car and so as soon as he comes inside he goes straight to bed.
  At 2:30 I go upstairs to check on him, and he is awake and just laying in his crib not crying or talking or anything. I get him up and the left side of his face is all droopy and his eyelid is swollen half closed and purple. I bring him downstairs, show Jenni and call the doctor again.
   They call me back at tell me to bring him back to the doctor ASAP. So at 3:45 I leave again to go to the doctor. She takes one look at him tells me he has an eye infection (the name is too long and complicated to even try to spell it). So we go get blood work and then go back to her office for two shots of a super strong medicine.
He gets the shots and his blood work comes back. His white blood count is at 16.9 (normal is between 4-10). She tells me I did the right thing by calling and bringing him back in that he is a very sick boy.
So we got to come home, but have an appointment early tomorrow morning. If he isn't better in the morning he has to get two more shots. If his eye looks better then we get to go onto oral antibiotic.
My stomach has been in knots since 2:30 today. I have been asking for and praying for him non stop and watching/checking on him every 10 minutes.

I really hope he feels better tomorrow.

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