Saturday, December 29, 2012


This conversation just happened.

A-"Mommy I want to buy you and Daddy a gift"

M-"What are you going to get us?"

A-"Stickers to decorate your room. I will get Daddy trucks and you Tangled. Then I will help you put them on your wall"

M-"that is very nice of you. Where are you going to get the money?"

A-"I can use my fake money from my cash register"

-M-"No stores won't take that money"

A- "hmmm, then maybe from your purse"

M-"But that is my money, shouldn't you use your money for a gift?"

A-"But I don't have a purse"

M- "You can use your piggy bank money"

A-"Okay but someone has to take me, I'm too little to go to the store by myself"

She is so cute the conversation continued that she would need to get pants and that she loves me and I'm her favorite Mommy with a hug to end the conversation. She can be so cute and adorable when she wants to be.

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