Monday, December 31, 2012

New Year Resolutions

I am going to make 3 this year. All about me and how I want to see my life change.

1. I want to get back down to the weight I was last March. I know I can do it because I did it once and stayed there for a long time. But since July I have gained and then started with excuses. SO I'm going to get back to the gym a little more, sign up for some 5k's, and get back what I had.

2. I am going to involve God in my life more. I want not only my kids and family to know my commitment and love of Christ, but the people around me to know it too.

3. I am going to love my family and friends to the best of my ability. I don't want to take time for granted. I want to cherish the moments I have with my kids, husband and all the other important people in my lives.

I think all of these are things that can be accomplished, the hard part like with all resolutions is to stick to them.

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