Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Silly Times

Tonight after bath time, both kids were sitting on the counter. Colin was brushing his teeth and Alyssa was getting her hair combed and dried.

Alyssa started to make faces and tell us what they were. "This is my sad face" then she would pout. "This is my mad face" and then she would scrunch up her face and look out the top of her eyes. Well after she had gone through them a few times we asked Colin to show us his sad face. So with a smile peaking out from behind his pout lip he pouted. It was so cute and funny that everyone started laughing. This made him want to do it again. As he pouted this time I saw his dimples come out stronger than ever and the twinkle in his eye shine so bright. We then asked him to do a mad face. Once again trying to hide a smile he scrunched up his face, held it for about 2 seconds then started laughing.

At night bath time is usually a fun time to spend with the kids. At times it can be very trying and more of a horrible chore to do, but most of the time the kids come up with the funniest things to say and the interaction they have with each other and us is a lot of fun. I will be sad as the kids get older and bath time becomes a thing of the past.

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