Yesterday our church did a trunk or treat and Chris and I volunteered to decorate a trunk. We went to the Dollar store and bought up some Halloween stuff. I think our trunk turned out pretty cool. It was not the coolest one there but it did the trick. Alyssa loved getting candy. She had started practicing how to say "trick or treat" early Saturday morning. By the time we left she was repeating it non-stop both Chris and I thought that when it actually came time for her to say it she wouldn't, but once again she proved us wrong. She walked around got all kinds of candy then went to hang out in the nursery.
Tonight we went out to dinner with the in-laws, then all came back to the house. We got the fire pit going. I took Alyssa and Colin to a few houses to show off and get some candy. As we would leave each house, Alyssa would say "Lets go get more candy!". We then came back to the house and she helped pass out candy. She gave the princesses and other costumes she liked more candy than the other ones.
Colin could have cared less but everyone thought he was cute.
Now everyone is tucked in bed, the fire pit is out and we put a close on Halloween even though Halloween isn't even started. We have decided that tomorrow we will turn on the porch light until our candy is gone, but our kids will not dress up. We will spend the night as a family and enjoy a night without daycare kids.