You are now 11 months old! I cannot believe how fast the time has gone. It seems like just a few days ago I couldn't wait for you to be born.
You still don't have a single tooth in your mouth. You can't even feel any of your teeth trying to pop through, but that doesn't stop you! You eat everything your sister eats. You eat chicken, fish, beef, and anything else that you can get your hands on. Your favorite is probably pasta, but it is hard to tell because you are excited about anything we give you.
Your personality is coming out more and more each day. You are a happy baby most of the time, but if we tell you no you get very upset. You will throw yourself to a sitting position, throw your arms all over the place and scream. You love to give high fives and wave bye-bye to people.
Last Wednesday you had surgery to put tubes in your ears. The surgery went fast and you seem to be feeling better already.
You still sleep about 12 hours at night, once we put you down you RARELY wake up. You take a nap each day ranging from one and a half hours to three hours.
You crawl really fast around the house and will walk holding on to toys. Even if the toy is not supposed to move across the floor you are good at moving it. You will not walk holding anyone's hand though, so I think independent walking is still a little ways off.
I know I say it every month but you and your sister love each other so much. It is so much fun to watch the two of you interact. Just this morning you were tickling each other's bellies. Your sister will also make sure you always have food and stuff to do in the car.
Colin while I look forward to watching you grow I am sad to see this baby stage end. Overall you have been a really good baby. This past week I started getting things ready for your birthday. I really can't believe that you are almost 1!
I love you big boy and can't wait to watch you celebrate your first Halloween and Thanksgiving and truly see a Christmas.
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