In church for the last 4 weeks the sermon has been about "Living like you were Dying". I have listened closely to these messages and taken it very much to heart. I feel like I do a lot of the things the pastor was encouraging us to do maybe I should put a little more effort into trying harder.
Today's sermon was about loving deeper. He encouraged us to tell those around us that we love them. As he was preaching I thought to myself "hmm I tell Chris, Alyssa, Colin and my parents I love them on a daily basis." This should be easy.
As I thought about it more I knew what I needed to do. I love you is said and I know my kids and my husband know that I love them, but I need to go deeper. So here it goes in public form so that the world can see:
Dear Chris,

I want to thank you for working so hard at your job so that I can stay home with the kids. I know that at times it is very hard for you and that you work very hard to support our family.
I want to thank you for coming home from your job every night and jumping right in with helping with the kids. I think the kids look forward to you coming home as much as I do. They look forward to it because you are such a great dad.
Thank you for being that amazing dad. Both of our kids look up to you. You are their hero. You are also my hero. When I'm down you know how to lift me up, you are my best friend.
There are so many more things that you do that I could thank you for but really when it comes down to it all thank you just doesn't even seem enough. I love you and I love the life that you have provided for the kids and me. So for the next week (hopefully longer). I'm going to put forth more of an effort to slow down and put more effort into showing my love instead of just rushing through the words.
Shannon (your wife of 7 years who loves you more today than on the day she married you)
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