Alyssa spent the night with Grandma and Grandpa Knight so that she didn't have to get up with us that morning.
I was up at 5 because I was too nervous to sleep. We woke Colin up about 2 minutes before we walked out the door. He was up just long enough to get his diaper changed and then we put him in the car.
They took us back right at 7:50. Colin was very happy and loved standing and shaking the sides of the crib. He was also enjoying playing peek-a-boo with his blanket.
At 8:30 they brought in some medicine to make him relaxed and some Tylenol. Once they gave that to him he just laid there doing everything really slowly. At 8:50 exactly they came in and carried him down to the OR. I gave him a kiss and fought back tears.
Then the longest part the wait. At 9:20 they came in and said the surgery went well and he was going to be waking up soon and as soon as he drank something they would bring him back to us. I don't know what time he came back because I grabbed him so fast and didn't let go.
I do know he drank a bottle and peed right away so when they came in to check his vitals and they were good they let us go home. We walked out of the surgery center at 9:55.
The rest of the day he was good. He had times were he was really fussy and he went to bed early but over all it was a good day for him.
The doctor said that he had so much fluid behind his right ear that his eardrum was collapsed in. This means he wasn't able to place the tube like he wanted to, so it is more likely to fall out faster. He also had fluid behind his left ear but that one wasn't as bad.
This morning he got up early but seems to be his normal self so hopefully from here he can start to feel better.
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