We came home ate lunch and I put him back down for a nap. A little over two hours later he was still sleeping so I went to check on him. He was cold to the touch and his lips were purple. I picked him up and ran downstairs. Jenni started a breathing treatment with him while I called the doctor. The doctor called back quickly and told me to take him to the ER in St. Louis.

The next day I called his doctor and they said they didn't even want to see him unless he got worse. Well by 2:30 he was worse so I took him to the doctor. He diagnosed him with an ear infection and said that since his oxygen stats were 95-100% that he wasn't worried about his breathing and sent us home.
So now I'm waiting for Colin to wake up this morning to see how he is. I'm hoping that all the breathing treatments and ear meds will make him feel better.
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