Monday, April 5, 2010

First Day

Today was my first day of my new job. This morning was spent filling out paper work. Whenever you start a new job it always feels like you are signing your life away. I think I signed about 60 pieces of paper.
Then I spent the afternoon in a pre-k classroom. There was only 9 kids today (they are usually 17). I enjoyed getting to know the kids and it was such a laid back environment. They even had a sign hanging up that said "Welcome Shannon". It was nice to see people so welcoming. Tomorrow I will work in another pre-k class.
As we were leaving the teacher I worked with today said "Wow I'm tired". I thought Wow I could get used to this, I didn't get screamed at or have to restrain any kids.

On another note, Alyssa is having a hard time breathing again. She is up to 4 breathing treatments a day and back to more meds to try to help her. I'm so glad that we go to the doctor Saturday to see what he has to say.

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