Thursday, September 29, 2011

10 months

Dear Colin,
   Big boy you are 10 months old today. I can't believe how fast time has gone. You are now 24 lbs 10 ounces. We aren't sure how long you are this month but you are very tall. You wear size 18 month clothes with some 12 month thrown in. You still don't have any teeth and no signs of any teeth showing up anytime soon.
   This past month has brought 2 ear infections back to back, yet you haven't let them get you down for long. As soon as you get the medicine in you, you are back to your normal happy self.
   This month you have decided that you don't like baby food or bottles anymore. As of the last few days you have refused ALL baby food and so all you have eaten is table food. Your favorite is any type of pasta.  You get one bottle in the morning and one at night and then during the day you drink all your formula from sippy cups.
   You can crawl really fast and your new mission in life is to get up the stairs as fast as you can. As you head for the stairs you turn to look to see if anyone is watching, get a huge smile on your face, turn around and crawl as fast as you can up the stairs.
   You can stand and will stand not holding on to anything for a few seconds before you fall on your bottom. You love to walk the furniture and pull up on anything you can. You will push the walking toys around the floor though you are usually on your knees instead of your feet when you do that.
    The other thing that you love to do is open the cabinets and pull all the toys out. You don't want to play with any of them, you just want to get them all out.
     You wave bye-bye to everyone and will even say "bye bye" you also say Go and dada. We are working really hard on you saying mom but you still haven't said it yet. You also love to blow kisses and make noises and hit your mouth so that the sound goes in and out.

    You sleep through the night. You go to bed at 7:30 at night and sleep until between 6:15 and 7:45 in the morning. Most nights you don't even wake up to have your pacifier replaced. You take one nap during the day that last anywhere from 2-3 hours.
    You love to be outside and today you even got to play in the yard with the bigger kids because you were throwing such a fit on the deck.
    You are very very much a mommies boy and if anyone else come near you, you cry and head for me. Though once Daddy comes home and night you are usually the first one over to him so that he can pick you up.
    Colin we knew we loved you before you were born but we never knew how much joy and laughter you would bring into our lives. We love you big boy and can't believe that in 2 months you will be a year old.



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