Monday, July 9, 2012

Hospital Visit #3

On Thursday morning Colin woke up and I knew something was wrong with him. I called the doctor as soon as the opened at 8 and got him a 9:15 appointment. By the time we got to the doctor I knew he had pneumonia. The doctor confirmed the diagnoses and sent us home with some medicine.
I put Colin down for a nap and when he got up from the nap two hours later he was shaking, throwing up and couldn't sit up. I called the doctor again and they told me to give him more Motrin and if his fever wasn't down in an hour to take him to the ER. Well it was down slightly at the hour mark so I gave him Tylenol on top of the Motrin and he seemed to be getting a little better.
He ate dinner and then started to get clingy again. We put him down to bed, and within 10 minutes of laying him down he was throwing up again and his fever was back up to 102.6 so off to the hospital we went.
When we got there his fever was still 102.6 and his heart rate was over 180. We got back to a room and after waiting what seemed like forever we finally had a plan. We were going to give him more meds and try to get him to drink. If his fever came down and he was drinking we could go home, if not we were spending the night.
Well 45 minutes later he still wasn't drinking very much so we were admitted with iv fluids and a new medicine to help with the pneumonia.
On Friday morning I found out one of the kids in the day care had Hand Foot and Mouth disease so I told the doctor about that. All Friday Colin barely ate or drank. He slept a lot and just sat staring into space.
Friday evening I asked Chris to bring him a milkshake. That seemed to be the turning point for him. He started to drink more and eat a little. I asked the doctor if we could go home. He said no so we stayed another night.
Saturday morning he was eating and drinking much better and we were discharged and able to make it home in time for lunch. He also developed the blisters associated with Hand Foot and Mouth.
Sunday he was still a little under the weather.
Today he was back to his normal self. He was eating everything he could get his hands on.
It is so nice to have my baby back.

I am having a hard time knowing that he has been hospitalized twice now because of things brought in to the day care. I know in my head that if he went somewhere else he would be just as likely to pick it up, but it is hard.

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